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55h 40m

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This was my very first Atelier game! Prior to writing this I just got the very last achievement so I can safely say I've 100%'d the game so lemme break it down:

The Visuals: Nothing too spectacular though the character design and the art itself is pretty great, really enhances the sort of cozy soft feeling this game has.

The gameplay:Honestly pretty relaxing, sometimes some of the assignments can be a little frustrating especially if someone were to not want to use a guide or online resources. The crafting is fun and once you understand it its very addictive and fun to make overpowered items and equipment, the actual combat is...ok?? It's serviceable mostly just excuses to blow things up with your new toys.
There are some challenging fights but I think they are less challenging in the traditional jrpg sense and more a test of your understanding and usage of things you make with alchemy!

Sound: the voice acting is good except everyone pronounces "atelier" differently. The music is EXTREMELY cozy and some of the boss music is actually really cool

Story: It's kind of basic but honestly I think these games, at least from what I've heard, thrive more on character writing than a big plot and that's true here too. There are some lore hints at a bigger overarching thing but its not really important, the characters are cute and charming and while they are not particulary complex they do have memorable qualities.

Achievements: honestly a really good achievement list, getting every ending with both characters and basically doing everything the game has to offer, my favorite kind of achievements reward completion so this gets top marks from me.

My tl;dr is this is a cute, comfy jrpg with fun crafting and some neat characters. I think the time limit is perfectly balanced where its lenient for newcomers but you still need to mind it. I think this is a perfect game to start with as I now own the rest of the Dusk trilogy thanks to this one. If you want something kind of relaxing to play I recommend it!