A decent game with a good story and gameplay. In the beginning, the gameplay took a bit for me to get used to with some fights feeling a bit too long. But in time I got used to it. The gameplay is kind of like a rhythm game but instead of playing to the rhythm you mostly move away from the rhythmical attacks. The story and the ideas presented were pretty good but I did not get much attached to the characters. Something that is both a positive and a negative would be that some fight sequences were a bit trippy in the sense that the visuals were a bit overwhelming at times but it seems it can be turned off in the settings. I also think that the difficulty was just the right amount for me to feel a sense of accomplishment after each fight. Would recommend it if you like games with a good story or that do something different with the gameplay.

A decent short puzzle game with interesting solutions. Throughout the game, the puzzle slowly increased in difficulty giving a good feeling of progression. The way perspective was used was quite well explored for the length. The ending was pretty good, but these types of endings don't do much for me. Would recommend it if you like short puzzle games that use perspective as their mechanic.

A decent game with a decently done time loop mechanic. While the game is mostly dialogue, it kept me invested throughout the whole thing. While I feel like the mystery was not something that gave everything learned a feeling of progress, it still gave a complete story. There was also a good amount of walking even with the shortcuts provided. While there were decent philosophical ideas provided, I don't think that It went far into depth in it. Would recommend it, if you like mystery games with a time loop mechanic and a decent story with decent philosophical ideas.

A decent point-and-click adventure game that is quite funny. This series is one that I played one after the other right as they released. When I was a kid these were the games that I played the most watching multiple playthroughs by YouTubers and 100% finishing myself. While I thought they were funny back then, my humour has changed since. So while I may not have found it as funny I still enjoyed it. All the previous ones got an improvement in graphics and the newer ones were of higher quality. The newer ones were such a huge improvement that I would say some parts might have barely reached a low 4/5 ranking. Most of the skits were funny enough to make me at least smile while being memorable enough. While the story was funny the gameplay is the same point and click with 100% being a bit more of a chore compared to the usual. Would recommend it if you like funny point-and-click games.

Out of the three games made by team Ico, I would say this has the best story. The gameplay was a little frustrating to find out where to go during some times, but this helped make the game feel like commanding a cat. It was also a little troublesome to get Trico to do what you want. Even though the gameplay had its flaws it contributed to the experience as a whole in a more positive manner. The story got you to see the bond with the boy and Trico with the overall mystery keeping you intrigued. Would recommend it if you like puzzle games with good story with little dialogue and can handle some frustrating controls.


A nice slightly episodic rpgmaker game. The gameplay is pretty average with exploring and combat being turn-based. the story was split into chapters with each having its own plot with some details connecting them, with the third being the finale. I found the whole thing quite nostalgic with it reminding me of early 2000s episodic anime. would recommend it if you like episodic stories.

A pretty good game, with average gameplay and a good story. The story is interesting through the fact that it is told through a narrator. The gameplay is alright with different ways of play depending on the weapons you choose to use after you get them. The ending of the game was quite memorable. the story may have also been a bit slow(I tend to stop games halfway before continuing after a year or so, so I may be misremembering). Would recommend it if you like games with a pretty good story told through a narrator, average gameplay and can handle slow beginnings.

A great game, with a good story and fast-paced gameplay. One of the things that I found good would be the story, as it kept me intrigued through the whole thing. The dialogue boxes were animated, which gave life to the characters. The game had quick fast-paced combat and some pretty good level design. The game left off at kind of a cliffhanger. Will play the sequel when it comes. Would recommend it if you like fast action-packed games, with a good story.


An interesting game which brought forth some interesting ideas. While the gameplay is mostly hiding and walking, the story is pretty good. Even though this is considered a horror game, I did not find it scary at all. The way the ideas are slowly presented through the game is well enough pace to get an idea. Would recommend it if you like interesting sci-fi ideas and are okay with hiding and walking(with some running) type gameplay, with the occasional puzzles.

I played this years ago and would say this is a much better game than the first one. it expanded on the previous one's idea and improved the story a lot. I also quite liked the ending as it was my first time experiencing something like that. While now I would say it was just good I still quite liked the experience. there were some nice references to other games, which I thought was nice. The gameplay was okay, but I don't remember much. I would recommend it if you like Zelda-like puzzle games, with unique ideas, a pretty good story and can handle slow beginning.

a decent game with a unique idea. The way it is implemented is ok and the story is mediocre. Overall I would say it has potential but did not reach it. you could skip this one and play the second one instead which is better. Would recommend it if you like to see unique ideas being experimented in a decent manner.

Has a pretty decent story with a good premise. While solving the mystery and preventing the murders was enjoyable, there was too much walking. The game also took a bit before it picked up. The ending was good, but the extra ending for 100% completion was not worth it. most of the parts were good but a small amount was a slog to go through. Overall, would recommend it if you like murder mystery games with pretty decent stories and can overlook repeating content.

While I somehow managed to predict the plot twist within an hour or two into the game, the story was still good. The game was pretty enjoyable but getting the endings was kind of a pain and travelling between destinations was a slog. The story presented, was quite good with a great sombre atmosphere. Would recommend it if you like games with good stories and are able to handle a lot of repetition and walking.

The game was really exciting to play. there is not much of a story but the gameplay gets you to continuously play all the way till completion. Would recommend it if you like games with quick-action gameplay that makes you feel the hype.

Has a very mysterious atmosphere which makes you feel smart as you solve the puzzles. The puzzles are pretty good and the story is given in very light chunks which helps with the atmosphere. Would recommend it if you like puzzle games with a good atmosphere.