Himno 2019

Log Status






Time Played


Platforms Played


Played on a PlayStation Vita OLED model.

Reading other reviews I can see how this is a relaxing game - mastering the platforming within procedurally-generated levels whilst collecting little colorful sprites to chill music resulted in me playing a lot longer than I thought I had and for that I can give it props.

However this was a purchase during a sale, the kind that you add to the cart because it's cheap and an hour of fun is better than nothing, and I had no idea what I was in for when I booted it up. I played this game for a total of 70 minutes and half of that time was figuring out what the hell I was supposed to be doing - there's no indication of a goal or even an aim to the game upon loading and a lot of the gameplay felt like pointless busywork until I realised I was supposed to be interacting with doors and proceeding to further levels.

It didn't help that the performance on the Vita was so piss-poor either with what I can only assume being a memory leak of some kind completely tanking the performance of this very simple (albeit nice) looking game resulting in single digit framerates and unresponsive controls, requiring a complete reboot to function properly again.

I've been avoiding achievement collecting lately when playing games but when I consulted my earned list to try and get a better understanding of what I was supposed to be aiming for and realised I was one trophy away from the platinum it was quite surprising. This isn't a bad game and maybe if I played the PC original I'd even be able to relax and vibe with it but this port should be avoided.