Kudos for them finally making the game they said they would

Kinda iconic how the pandemic gaslit us all into thinking this was the best game ever made.....

For an animal crossing game, this game has very little depth and doesn't give you enough reasons to do the daily cycle

solely ranking this based on zombies

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This game was slightly above average. It wasn't anything special but I still enjoyed it.
Just a few jumpscares but the atmosphere was creaky and tense.

it wasn't so difficult that you felt you were aimlessly wandering around or backtracking too much. The whistle mechanic was unique but a bit boring.

My main issue is that there weren't ever really any stakes. The infected statues don't necessarily kill you, just give you a very temporary knockback but then they let you continue. And the big baddy only shows up a handful of times. The game gives you so many lockers around the map to hide in, but I only used them once and that was in the tutorial

The end was also a little lacklustre. You didn't defeat them, you just escaped.