so much wasted potential. the driving mechanics are alright, but the servers are dead, and its just not fun to play. avoid this one like the plague unless they manage to update it a bunch and revive it.

Great game, but its clear why these sorts of games are relics of the past. A lot of the games puzzles are more akin to just "throwing everything at the wall until something sticks." And while the writing and humor makes it absolutely worth playing in my opinion, I wouldn't go into it expecting an in-depth puzzle game.

This review contains spoilers

TL;DR/Spoiler-Free: The game has a lot of flaws. However, it is still an amazing horror experience you should play despite them. The atmospheric horror is amazing, the "creepiness factor" is through the roof, and all in all its just an amazing experience despite the cracks that start to show as you progress through the game.
Oh, and if you have a PSVR play it with that.

Resident Evil 7 is a hard game to rate. It has some of the best horror the franchise has ever seen, with its atmospheric Haunted-House setting clearly drawing inspirations from the original RE game and Sweet Home. At the same time, as the game goes on it only becomes more and more frustrating to play, with as another reviewer put it, "the most underwhelming boss fights and frustratingly designed levels that we've seen in any Resident Evil video game."

The game is easily at its best in the first half, everything ranging from Ethan's arrival at the Baker Residence to his defeat of Marguerite in the Old House. But even then, the bosses you fight in this section are boring punching bags that essentially just boil down to "Attack, back off, then repeat" with little to no gimmicks to spice things up (unless you consider using a "chainsaw" melee weapon a gimmick). Then you get to the "Party" House with Lucas, which while is an interesting concept, is essentially just some linear corridors with easy to spot trip mines to take out, and a couple of enemy encounters. The Birthday puzzle is great though, especially if you played the "Happy Birthday" Tape beforehand which allows you to essentially sequence break by knowing the combination. However, this all does lead up to the game's best Boss Fight, the Swamp fight with Joe, where you have to actually be strategic with your movement and aim for specific weak points (The fact I'm lauding glowing weak points as "high praise" in this games boss design should give you an idea of how poor the rest of the bosses are.)

Unfortunately, however, this peak is where the game drops off and doesn't rise back up. The Ship and Salt Mine sections are some of the most boring sections of the game. While the horror element at the linear start of the ship is fantastic, once your let loose in it, it becomes clear that this section of the game, despite its narrative importance, was not given any care in its design. The ship is just corridors with some enemies dotted about randomly, and is where the lack of enemy variety in this game really starts to shine. Not counting versions of enemies missing limbs, there are only 4 types of common enemies, Molded, Strong Arm Molded, 4 Arm Molded, and Fat Molded. You do fight a couple of bugs in the Old House but you see them for all of <30 minutes. And all the molded have the exact same visual design of "black goop in humanoid shape." Once you fight through the Ship, you fight through the salt mines, which is just more enemies dotted about linear paths, and get to the absolutely horrible final boss. You quite literally just shoot a big face until it dies. It is nearly impossible to fail this boss unless you a) have no ammo or b) do nothing. And since we are right after the salt mines, where the game essentially just turns into a shoot-em-up with enemies and ammo everywhere, your going to have plenty of ammo.

Now, from this review, you'll probably assume I hate the game. But I don't. I'm giving it an 8/10 for good reason. While the levels and bosses aren't great, especially as you go on through the game, it has lots of good things going for it. It has some of the best horror in any video game I've ever played, not just RE games. The graphics still hold up today (at least on PC, the console versions suffer from some low-resolution textures.) The Narrative and storytelling are amazing (seriously, read every file you find. Don't skip anything story related if you can avoid it.) And the gameplay and gunplay are incredibly tight while still making you feel weak against the threats you have to face.

Sorry for the wall of text, and thank you for reading it. I know I talked about a lot of its flaws here and didnt bring up too much positive stuff, but thats just because while there are a lot of flaws that are important to discuss, there are even more things about this game that make it amazing, and that are hard to discuss without ruining the experience of playing the game. I'm harsh on it because its a game I absolutely love. Essentially, what I am just trying to say is PLAY RE7. It's a flawed game, heavily flawed in some areas even. But despite that it's still one of the best horror games ever made, and you do not want to miss it.