In 2077 what makes someone a criminal…

I’m sure everyone knows the controversy surrounding this game when it first came out. I don’t think I need to repeat everything that went wrong with Cyberpunk 2077 back in 2020 when it first launched worldwide. Whether it was it’s many false promises & lies or the extremely rushed development which lead to the game feeling incredibly unfinished, unpolished & downright broken to the point of unplayable…it’s one of the most infamous failures in video game history…and yet it’s also one of the most miraculous & impressive comebacks in video game history too. For all its faults, CD Projekt Red over the past few years have done everything they can to amend the mistakes that they made through numerous patches which fix major issues & making the game actually worthwhile to play. The Cyberpunk 2077 we see today is nothing like the one which was present in its original release. And I couldn’t be happier about that.

So with the preamble out of the way, did I enjoy Cyberpunk 2077? Yes. I really really did. I think that this game is quite amazing.

This is one of the most immersive experiences I’ve had with a game in a very very long time. Night City is a marvel in world building & across my 50+ hours of playtime, I grew to fall in love with the world of this game, it’s so full of life & character that it’s actually something that has me stunned. The vibes are absolutely insane immaculate & it nails its atmosphere beautifully. There’s so much to do & see & this is undoubtedly a huge strength of the game right off the bat. You are free to play however you choose. This is your story to tell. And that kind of freedom is something I majorly admire Cyberpunk for, having your choices drive the narrative forward. Sometimes I spent so long away from the main story just doing side content because it was all so engaging. There’s so much meat to it & I’d argue some of the missions were even better than the main story itself.

The characters in this game are also fantastic. But I have to give a special shout-out to Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand, undoubtedly the show stealer of the entire cast in case that wasn’t obvious. A lovable dickhead who always kept me invested throughout the story and seeing his development into genuinely caring for V was one of my favourite parts of the entire narrative. Other standouts include Takemura, Judy, Panam & Jackie, just some of my personal favourites in the game of course.

And that’s not even mentioning the protagonist V who you are free to build however you choose. Do you want to go crazy with cyberware implants? Or do you want to focus more on manoeuvrability? There’s so many options for you to pick from when it comes to creating your ideal play style giving way to so many possibilities for your character. I found this to be one of the more addictive aspects of the game (I personally went with a reflexes & technical build) but you’re free to experiment however you wish.

Graphically this game is gorgeous. Especially on the PS5 & cruising through the city was always fun getting to take in the sights & landmarks of this incredible world. I did notice some frame drops from time to time but it was nothing too major.

Now did I have issues? Yeah. I admit there’s definitely some moments where the enemy AI is…pretty stupid & there were quite a few glitches, though in an open world game I guess I can excuse that to an extent. I’ve also heard people report the game crashing on several instances even with the patches but surprisingly? I didn’t have a single one. So perhaps I just got really lucky on that.

Overall I really enjoyed my time with Cyberpunk 2077. It ain’t perfect but this is now one of my favourite games despite its flaws because the highs are just so so good, it helps me to ignore the issues. And there’s so much potential for a sequel to improve on this too. My time in Night City was an absolute blast & I expect to start on the Phantom Liberty expansion very soon.

Final score: 9/10

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2024
