Peak fiction. Actual PEAK fiction. Lloyd is peak. KeA is peak. Randy is peak. Tio is peak. Wazy is peak. This entire game. is. PEAK. Top to bottom.

Trails to Azure is the greatest experience I’ve had with any game in all my years on this planet. THIS is the magic of JRPGs & why it eclipses every other genre in my opinion. Azure takes everything that I loved about Zero & in amplifies it to the highest degree. From the characters, to the story, to the absolutely unmatched world building that the Trails series always does so so exceptionally it’s all here & accounted for. And on top of that is one of the most engaging & gripping narratives possibly ever that had me hooked from start to end. So many moments in this game had my jaw completely on the floor & the finale of this game completely mindfucked me SO much.The ending brought me to tears & man the feeling I had when the credits started rolling really really can’t be described.

I honestly struggle to find the words to truly express how incredible this game is & nor do I want to. Because experiences like this come once in a lifetime.

All I will say is that if you for some reason haven’t checked out the Trails series yet then you are doing yourself a major disservice. Because in my eyes there is no other franchise in my eyes that is on the level of The Legend of Heroes when it comes to storytelling.

I’m so glad the Crossbell duology finally came to the west because it’s given me the chance to experience these amazing games for the first time & if you’re like me…then I hope you have as much of a blast as I did. Thank you Nihon Falcom & of course the amazing Geofront team.

Now let’s put the Sky trilogy on modern consoles next, that would be absolutely lovely.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2023
