The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure

The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure

released on May 28, 2020

The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure

released on May 28, 2020

The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure is the fifth installment in the main Trails series, serving as a direct sequel to the events of the The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero and the ending to the Crossbell arc. The game follows the Special Support Section with more members and more cases to solve.

Also in series

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak
Nayuta no Kiseki: Kai
Nayuta no Kiseki: Kai
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV

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Says a lot that my uncontested favorite part of this experience was playing Puyo Puyo.

Why do video games have to be so complicated and good and bad and awful and peak and UGHHHHHHHH. Everything pinheaded about Crossbell and everything utterly peak about it is just compounding in my brain like mad...

Uhhhhh, the characters are decent overall. Tio and Elie get nothing to do at all, leaving Elie even worse off than before. Randy actually gets something to do, and despite it being EXTREMELY barebones it's executed really well for what it is. Wazy is easily the best character in Crossbell and that's not in any capacity an exaggeration, Noel's better than I've heard her given credit for because she actually is a character with thoughts and things to do, the villains are a little ridiculous with the five-layer "IT WAS ME ALL ALONG" twists, and Lloyd... I'm sorry he's a Gary Stu. I don't get the hype. His entire arc is "can I be as cool as Guy was? He was the coolest" and then, without a single meaningful character flaw that speaks to such a journey, he gets there without a misstep. It's okay when characters never do anything wrong (Estelle didn't), but she has her rough edges. Her reasons for being the way she is. Bits that aren't just "haha look how accidentally perfect she is" like Lloyd's almost TRAPPED in. It's suffocating.

BUT LIKE ALSO THIS GAME IS GOOD THOUGH! The Burst is ridiculously fun and cool as a system, the Orbments are as fun as ever that system's just great, having smackable crates and stuff in the field does wonders for my singular remaining neuron, the Master Quartz are a great idea that I can't wait to see expanded upon (the only thing I'm looking forward to in Cold Steel), the steady stream of Combo Crafts is fun to experiment with, dodge tank Lloyd is hilarious, all of the Crossbell Trade Conference is just an absolute JOY to experience on every level it's the best chapter in Trails yet...

And then the pacing doesn't know how to exist. Too much happens at once with no indication of where a stopping point will be. The finale could have been chapters five, six, and THEN the finale. It's borderline stupid.



Anyway probably better than Zero nowhere near as good as Sky it's aight.

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After playing Zero I came away with a bit of confusion. The characters of the Crossbell duology were usually praised online, the two games were heralded as the peak of the Trails why did I feel so empty after seeing the end credits? It was a solid game and of course Zemuria remains the main appeal of the series with strong worldbuilding and a state that felt lived in and added many interesting political implications to the continent this series takes place in. But, while that is interesting in itself, Zero's characters left me cold. Not one of the characters really broke out of their mold and the emotional aspects therefore fell flat throughout. I was hoping this would change in Azure...but I was dead wrong.

Azure seems to think that Zero already did enough work to make you care about it's core cast and thus does not add much to the main characters beyond minor backstory reveals. Randy's "conflict" in this game is so simple and underwritten, it's laughable. This goes for every character, worst of all Rixia and the reaction to Rixia being an assassin by the SSS. There was no reaction. Just like with anything that happens to them, the SSS just kind of rolls with it and goes "Well, we like you, so it's ok."

That's the core motivation of the SSS in general. The game makes a big deal out of KeA being so immediately liked and treats it like it was out of character for the SSS to do so. But, it's not? The SSS like everyone immediately. They don't hate the villains because well, they like them, they're not so bad. They are just nice. To everyone. At all times. And maybe that works for other people but to me it falls emotionally flat. There's no spice. Everything can be solved with a short Lloyd speech because well he's just so likeable. And a great detective. Did you know? The cast will remind you a lot.

In lieu of interesting character writing the game then decides it is a geopolitical thriller for most of it's runtime... and it works. Really well even. The writers know that the continent of Zemuria and it's political movements are the star here and they REALLY lean into it in this game and I can't lie, I was fully engrossed in that aspect.

Which makes the resolution all the more heartbreaking. This game, much like the previous but to a much harsher degree, sets up so much geopolitical intrigue only to end it on...well, nothing. You think there will be a great clash of ideologies in the endgame but it never comes. Instead we are met with the worst main villain of any game in the series, which is saying a lot when Zero exists, AND the worst last dungeon with boring fights and boring bosses that builds up to the most predictable conclusion they could've made. All the political buildup was just in service of nothing, or rather in service of future games which will no doubt trick me again and I will end up with this disappointing feeling once more.

Hearing that this is the peak of the series makes me worry for the future. I really hope that Trails finds the balance between it's geopolitical worldbuilding and anime chuuni modes because they were totally off this time. And it's not like I don't like chuuni anime nonsense - I love it and I loved it in the Sky trilogy - but not as a rugpull in a game that pretends to be a political thriller.

complete comprehensive immaculate peak fiction Lloyd bannings my beloved

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Peak gaming experience! I can't describe how much I love this game in words. I love everything about this game. However, it's really unfortunate that some of the bonding moments of the characters contained their detailed backstories, which I think it was a bad decision. They should be put in the main story and as the result, a lot of players missed them. Such a wasted potential, don't you think?

And I really adore Lloyd Bannings with all of my heart. My love for him and the SSS is way much greater than people I know in real life.

Damn king recon was right this is peak gaming

I'm genuinely impressed that this series keeps getting better with each entry (it all goes downhill from here) and azure was definitely the highest the series has gone. The only thing is I wish I discovered this series earlier but it's really something else making a great narrative with an jrpgs. The gameplay keeps getting built on with the master quartz and end up having more fun ways to break the game. The story is a step up to the already great intro that was trails from zero. The finale is definitely one of the longest but most hype moments in the series and it makes the journey of playing through the series worth it. Despite not outperforming Estelle for me, Lloyd shows to be a great protagonist and looking forward for when I see him and the rest of the cast again in future games. It's the shortlived but great finale of the crossbell arc of the series with definitely a solid cast of characters (if only Lloyd and Elie were canon) and I hope to continue playing through the series

Azure Arbitrator almost gave this game a 5* rating.