A beautiful melding of first-person stealth action and immersive sim. I especially loved the world building and art style (I wish more teams aimed for style over realism). I finally see why Arkane is such a revered team. Keen to try the DLC, play the sequel and eventually Deathloop, all in the lead up to Marvel’s Blade.


A beautifully simple family tale that had me invested, contemplating my own heritage, reflecting on my values and how my actions reflect them. An easy one to recommend, and while I played it on console, I would imagine it'd work perfectly on mobile too.

Contrast is brimming with style and its neat light and shadow gameplay mechanics make it stand out from other puzzle platformers. However, it's let down by some janky controls and overdone cinematics that ruin its own flow.

A timeless modern classic that demonstrates the power of storytelling with simplistic, elegant mechanics imbued with beautiful storytelling. Reminds me of a Pixar short film with its lack of any spoken dialogue, and inspires me to make my own game one day.