No More Heroes is a pretty interesting game. The characters and bosses were all super unique and stylish. I enjoyed everything about them(besides fighting them). You do menial chores and hits to raise money for the next boss fight, which is a cool concept in practice. The combat was also pretty fun and satsifying when you get a good flow going. The story is all over the place in a fun way, but unfortunately I stopped caring at the end - probably when it reaches its peak.

I ran out of steam playing No More Heroes around the third to last boss and just wanted it to be over. The chores became a painful grind and the last couple of bosses are sponges that could one-shot you at random. I’ve played Souls games so it’s not a foreign concept to me, but it felt super cheap and frustrating when I played this and I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

If you enjoy hack-n-slashes and have a ton of patience, it’s worth grabbing on sale. Also PLEASE upgrade your stats and weapons! You’ll thank yourself later.

Reviewed on May 22, 2022
