Fantastic game if you enjoy the time period it's set in/ understand a bit of the history of when this story takes place. Might be a bit confusing if you don't know anything about Edo/Shinsengumi/Bakufu. Love that a lot of fan favorite characters from previous Yakuza games got a reappearance here. Just brings back everything you love about this series but in a different time period so if that interests you you'll love it. My one major gripe is that like the most recent games in the series the upgrade paths are so damn grindy and require way too much time investment that I am not willing to give it + the upgrade paths for weapons are extremely expensive and ask way too much in regards to materials unless you go out of your way too grind for them. Seriously the combat is fun but towards the end of the game it drags because of how hard it gets based solely on an experience/material deficit.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
