4 reviews liked by J0nker

A potentially good game ruined by clear lack of polishing, balancing, and good plot to follow. The quests are boring. The enemy behaviour is absolutely ridiculous, even a wolf can do attacks with milliseconds between them, and even with paladin armour, you can get killed easily. Want to kill a goblin? It will just dodge backwards, so you hit him once in five swings, while other goblins hit and stun you from behind. Did you upgrade and learn the most advanced fighting skill? Now the enemy will sometimes fall on the ground, be invincible and do a guaranteed far reaching attack when he will stand. Also, I was tired of liberating every single settlement, fighting through hordes of enemies, it just gets too repetitive and boring. And the very idea of choice to fight for Orcs and help them is ridiculous, the Nameless Hero, who dedicated himself to selflessly saving humans in previous games now would serve the Orcs that want to kill all humans? Why would anyone choose that? IMO, but this game is even worse than Arcania, at least that game works as it supposed to.

This game in a lot of ways could probably be compared to vampire the masquerade bloodlines but just slightly less enjoyable. They're both buggy as all hell and the gameplay of both isn't always very fun but VtMB is better for me just cause its a slightly more enjoyable game. Gothic is still cool though and I hope whatever this upcoming remake is can fix some of the glaring issues.

Solid RPG with clunky gameplay but satsfactory character progression!

Yep, they didn't know what they were doing. This is basically the first game but worse. It does have cute graphics but even these are like, not necessarily a step up. They're different enough to not be comparable tho. It's a lot more bright and flashy this time around, for better or worse. Ok actually there's one thing this game has going for it, and it's the parkour music. I had a ton of fun running around just to activate the music. Maybe it even made parkour feel better in this game in the end? But if parkour feels better, combat certainly does not and uh... Idk I mean even if parkour is more fun, that's really it. Nights are flawed, monsters are way more boring, you really gotta force yourself to run around in circles for a long time if you want any intensity and yeah idk this game definitely did not capture the essence of it's prequel... Playing with no hud was at least fun for a bit. And it's not all bad I still managed to find ways to enjoy the game, but it's definitely not expertly crafted at all. Oh yeah the story is a joke