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1 day

Last played

December 14, 2023

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Until now I don't think I've ever seen a "first game" in a franchise that's this confident in what it wants to be. It's actually kinda crazy. The central concept is super fun but the game's presentation and personality is what really ties the package together. The wacky visuals and characters are super unique, and the way the microgames synchronize with the music is so clever and refined that you'd think this was the 10th game in the series. It's crazy to think that there are so many more games in this series because the concept already feels fully formed with this game. I'm now an instant fan.

My biggest problem with this game is that it's kinda frustrating when a microgame is really unclear about what to do, so you just kind of have to sit there, fumble aimlessly, take the L, and hope you manage to figure out what to do the next time that microgame pops up. This problem is probably just an inherent result of the game's central concept, but I still do hope the later games are a little better in this regard. I beat the game and I still haven't figured out the goal of some of these microgames.

Also, why hasn't Nintendo made this into a mobile game??? WarioWare feels like a precursor to mobile games, in a good way. Nothing feels better than getting a good streak of microgames going. It's weird that Nintendo has passed on this opportunity because it would fit like a glove.