An excellent game brought down by greed and deliberately bad choices.

I have loved Gran Turismo since the PS1 days and I think this is another great entry in the series. Gran Turismo has always been more than just a racing game. It is car porn. Gran Turismo 7 continues this tradition. The cars look stunning and are highly detailed inside and out. There is a great line up of diverse cars ready to collect, modify, customise, tune, race, learn about and love. There is an in depth photo mode with its own community to share, like and discuss photos and the same for livery designs too. There is so much here to learn about cars and the history of car makers and it also teaches the broader historical context as well. It is a dream for anyone that likes cars and is easy to get into whether you’re a veteran or newcomer.

Presentation wise Gran Turismo 7 is outstanding. As I already said cars are super detailed and beautiful. Tracks look great and have plenty of detail too. I like the style and menus. Weather looks good, skies look good, and tire smoke looks good. The game runs well and loads quickly. Sound design is impressive and the music selection is cool. There isn’t much to complain about here. Being a cross gen game I don’t think they pushed everything as far as they could with the PS5, obviously car damage is an area that still needs work but overall though I’m really happy with presentation and performance.

Gameplay is fun. Cars feel great and they did well making use of the PS5 controller features. Car handling and physics are what you expect. I know when a car is on the limit of grip and when it’s gone beyond that limit. There is a good sense of speed, weight and momentum. I can feel the road and the unevenness of the surface. Weather and puddles of water are done well and greatly impact driving. Tuning is rewarding. The game as a whole is mostly very rewarding, challenging and fun. I enjoyed slowly getting better and improving my times, making my way through the challenges, earning licenses, learning in the circuit experiences and testing myself against others online. There is lots of content here and they have been continuing to add to it. There are some weaknesses like the main campaign, café mode, being underdeveloped and underwhelming and I didn’t get music rally at all.

Now unfortunately I need to discuss this games big issues and a lot of people will already know what’s coming. Why the hell do I always need to be online for single player? I guess my disc will be useless in the future when it’s all taken down and I’m just screwed anytime I don’t have internet or there is maintenance. Then there is the fact that this game becomes a horrible grind to get and upgrade the more expensive cars. Things start off okay with regular currency and car rewards but once you get further along and everything gets more expensive it just ruins the game. I put around 80 hours in and I would still be playing if not for this bulls**t. Cars are too expensive and rewards are too low so your progress grinds to a halt. This was done on purpose to push people into spending real money on the very over priced in game currency and Gran Turismo 7 is a full priced Sony game too. Why would you do this to your own creation? Imagine making something excellent and then deliberately ruining it. Why would you do this to your brand? Is it really worth it? If you need to make more money off Gran Turismo 7 then find another way, I would rather pay a little extra up front then put up with this crap. To the people that made these decisions and to every person that buys this games currency get away from videogames you are ruining it for the rest of us.

Gran Turismo 7 is really enjoyable and well made even with the horrible issues I still got plenty of time out of it. I just wish I could still be playing it and continuing to build my car collection. I would have rated it way higher if not for this and it could have been one of the absolute best PS5 games. I recommend getting Gran Turismo 7 if you’re into cars just don’t buy those expensive micro transactions and know that at some point it will become an awful grind.


Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023
