Here’s my review/rant about Separate Ways and Resident Evil 4 2023 as a whole. Before I start I want to make it clear that this DLC is fun, polished and worth playing.

Why is this paid DLC? It should have been part of the package at launch just like the Mercenaries mode and all the content for it. At least Capcom didn’t charge that much for it I guess. It seems very deliberate to me. Staggering the release of the games content helps keep the game relevant, gets everyone talking about the game again and helps sales. It also gave them an opportunity to slip in those little microtransactions that are ‘pay to make the game easier’ on top of the day one stuff that was already there. I guess the next step will be to release the Game of the Year or Gold Edition. Now that this content is only available digitally Separate Ways and the Mercenaries mode will potentially disappear at some point. Unless it’s on the actual disc of the next edition released; does that mean I have to buy this again if I always want access to it? It all seems pretty gross for a full priced, single player game, which should be completely enjoyable without an internet connection. I’m guessing by the reaction that we’re all just numb to this now. I can’t talk too much though; I paid for it and played it too.

Why did a bunch of the cut moments/set pieces/bosses of the main campaign end up here? (Still plenty of stuff missing) They took things from the main campaign, which weakened that experience, and put it in Ada’s campaign to strengthen it. Awful decision, why not, I don’t know this might sound crazy, make new, amazing, memorable moments just for Ada, which her character definitely deserves.

Speaking of Ada, what did they do to her? Ada was once a cool, scene stealing character, despite not seeing that much of her. Leon can spend all day jumping out windows and suplexing dudes with a smirk on his face and a great line up his sleeve but as soon as Ada enters he is no longer the biggest badass on screen. Ada always came across as one of the smarter Resident Evil characters (maybe that’s not saying much but it’s meant to be a compliment). Maybe she couldn’t win a straight up fight against Leon but she’s always two steps ahead. This new Ada is just fine; she’s okay, kind of cool but a big step down.

Lily Gao can’t pull off this character. I can’t believe I need to mention it but this is no reason to harass her or say anything derogatory about her as a person and that is not okay. Let’s keep the criticisms to the work. It isn’t even her fault. She didn’t cast herself, she didn’t make most of the voice direction decisions, and she didn’t write this story or dialogue. It’s disappointing but not awful.

Where’s Krauser? Where’s the ship? Why is Wesker here in person? This game is meant to be linear but it feels super linear and scripted too. I think this comes down to many small areas being unnecessary blocked off, Ada using her grapple gun to get around and it seems built to encourage more stealth (why?). Why am I tracking footprints? - just what I wanted in Resident Evil 4. The Black Robe is a bit lame, even if parts concerning him are a nod to older versions of RE4 we never got. He comes across as padding and the final fight with him is underwhelming. The dull, pointless, run time padding Merchant missions and the goofy yellow paint make their triumphant return, yay!

Alright let’s talk about the good because there’s still plenty to like here. You get to play as Ada and her grapple gun is fun, even if you don’t have any freedom in how or where it’s used. Luis gets more screen time, which is great to see and I think I heard some returning music. There are more documents to find and more lore gets added. As you play through there are constant nods to what is going with Leon’s campaign at that time and there’s also some nods to other Resident Evil games. It’s fun enough, replayable and looks and works just as good as the main game.

Even though it is more fleshed out, it’s still such a missed opportunity. This was a chance to make Separate Ways something way better and more substantial.

This DLC has just further cemented how disappointing the whole Resident Evil 4 re-imagining is. Don’t get me wrong it is undeniably fun, polished and worth playing. I would still buy it again although if I had the chance I might have waited for a ‘complete edition.’ However this new Resident Evil 4 is a great example of what’s wrong with current AAA gaming. It is so damn safe and will forever live in the enormous shadow cast by the original too. Capcom did not want to take the risk of doing a remake or re-imagining that kept the original games controls, gameplay, tone, sense of fun and style. They also did not want to take the risk of creating a bold, fresh new take on Resident Evil 4. They gave us something safe, comfortable, and enjoyable enough without really being special and it looks like the majority stood up and cheered; calling it a masterpiece and a 10/10. It makes me sad but hopefully after some time has passed people will come back and re-evaluate this game. I’m in a torn place right now because this is enjoyable, fun and replayable. It does give these characters a different way to shine and there’s stuff here that I like. But I cannot shake this deep disappointment I feel and I don’t see myself revisiting this.

I’m really concerned about the future. Capcom has provided a perfect lesson here on how to take a GOAT and turn it into 7/10 game with microtransactions and get praised for it. AAA games are already pretty much, with some exceptions, just 6 or 7 out of 10 games with high production values, that’s if they aren’t broken, buggy and/or riddled with microtransactions. What if the Silent Hill 2 remake comes out and it’s a neutered, inferior version of that game and the majority loves it. What if we see a wave of re-imaginings that are just better looking but rounded down, blander versions of classics and people praise it. The lack of respect or understanding I see for older games, gameplay and design is really starting to bother me. I’m sorry but video games, game design, mechanics and style has not been getting better year after year. In fact I’d say it’s stagnated or even gotten worse in a lot of ways.

The best thing about Resident Evil 4 2023 is it further highlights just how good the original is. The fact that a changed, neutered, toned down version of Resident Evil 4 is still this fun just shows how damn strong the original is. Maybe I should just be quiet, lie down and be grateful for what we got because this could have turned out a lot worse - my condolences to all the really big Resident Evil 3 fans out there.

I don’t know maybe I’ve just become old and have started yelling ‘things were better in my day.’

7.8/10 for the whole Resident Evil 4 2023 re-imagining package.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023
