played only bowser's fury, not sure if I'll ever play 3D World itself. i'm sure it's great, my lazy ass may never find the time for it however.

felt like I got suckered in to playing this one. game from start to finish felt alright but nothing about it really jumped out at me or felt special. it was a sinnoh remake and that was just about it.

forgot I played this one (has it really been 4.5 years since this came out? jeez) played only the single player on offer, didn't really care for the community levels that got made by smashing sticks and rocks together or the kaizo levels make to question your life choices.

near perfect game if you weren't able to buy moons and or there weren't so many of them to collect in the first place. treat playing odyssey it like were mario sunshine in that case where not 100%ing the game will far more enjoyable.

need to complete X3-8 someday. faithful remasters, someone told me the gamecube collection is better because of there not being as much input delay as here. maybe that's just him playing on a CRT at the time. the extra stuff like concept art, promo clips and trailers for each game and merch screenshots is a nice addition as well. stuff that the mario 3d all stars collection could have really used to justify its price tag.

need to complete X3-8 someday. faithful remasters, someone told me the gamecube collection is better because of there not being as much input delay as here. maybe that's just him playing on a CRT at the time. the extra stuff like concept art, promo clips and trailers for each game and merch screenshots is a nice addition as well. stuff that the mario 3d all stars collection could have really used to justify its price tag.

rookie hunter mode is a welcome addition to mitigate any frustration playing these games, especially some of the PSX era games.

i bought this game and hardly touched ever since, god what is wrong with me? maybe zero 1 takes a while to get going but that's why you play with rookie hunter on to cut out the grinding you would do early on without it. zero 2 and 3 is where the collection gets really good from what I've seen online. zx games are here as well, hear better things about zx than i do with advent.

easily play this for its multiplayer. I've long been smashed out from the series after playing Smash 4 and actually wasn't enthusiastic when this first got announced. not saying it's a bad thing for like every other living being on the planet who have Ultimate as arguably their favorite game ever made and to be fair this is the definitive way to play smash with its gargantuan roster that brought every fighter from past games back on top of new characters added to the game later. I just wished this came out during the time where I was more passionate for playing Smash bros (2004-2009, 2013-2017 for me).

single player, mainly world of light, felt way too bloated. i would never want to play through that ever again. lots of collectable spirits which to some may be worthwhile to collect, just not me. not when I'm in my mid-20s and have so many other things to worry about like college, work, career paths and........................................................................................................................................................................ ᵃⁿˣᶦᵉᵗʸ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵈᵉᵖʳᵉˢˢᶦᵒⁿ

game's easily outdated now that Master Duel is out which constantly sees updates for new cards and rules. for its time it was fun running through iconic duels from the anime in TCG format. i'd prefer a puzzle endgame style format like what ygopro did and use that to follow the script of the anime duels more but can't have everything I suppose.

presentation's pretty cheap, all the way down to the summon animations for iconic monster cards. felt like all the budget this game had was just some kid's leftover lunch money that instead went to buying packs used for building a brick deck.

one of the best indie games I've ever played as well as one of the best story driven games i've ever played.

the farewell dlc i may never have the time nor patience to ever come back and complete. that in itself was a mountain too steep for me to climb.

this is must play if you liked Paper Mario. this is that and everything more that you never knew you wanted. three main characters are all intriguing and memorable. battle mechanics in some areas manage to be better than that of Paper Mario even.

i need to replay this game. I must've missed almost every side quest this game had on offer.

just sitting in the far reaches of my Switch library, waiting for me to play one day. my sister played this one, not me. maybe I'm picky with the platformers I play. I just don't want games that are Kirby levels of walk through the park easy but I don't want blow your balls off difficult either.

played the first 3 hours of the game and that's it, not sure why I stopped there. this game's far too good for that. I'm just lazy I suppose.

Best game of 2024, possibly even better than TTYD remake.

Highly replayable with the Double or Nothing mode.