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Mass Effect series Review + Retrospective #2.5: Lair of the Shadow Broker

Lair of the Shadow Broker is ME2’s most popular and beloved DLC, and I think for good reason. It’s a clear step above any other expansion for ME2 and actually does some unique and interesting things that help break up the monotonous shooting.

LotSB brings back fan-favorite Liara from ME1 as a temporary squadmate for a string of about 3 missions, each roughly the length of the average recruitment/loyalty mission. All three sections of this DLC are memorable and feature fun set-pieces that help mix things up a bit.

The DLC opens with an explosive chase around Illium that features new locations and enemy types – even if they are reskinned Eclipse mercs, it’s nice to have something different looking to shoot at. It also surprisingly has a vehicle section? It doesn’t control great and it’s super short, but it’s something unique and helps contribute to the more set-piece-y, cinematic feel that would later be expanded on in ME3.

The back half on the Shadow Broker’s base is visually stunning, with a giant thunderstorm twisting the air around you as you scale the outside of the massive dreadnought and navigate around its constantly moving and shifting machinery. The Shadow Broker base is one of the more visually striking locations in the trilogy and I think it looks absolutely awesome. Additionally, the added mechanic of the lightning rods in combat helps make battling waves of enemies feel more fresh.

The DLC also features a couple of genuine boss fights, which I found refreshing as well. Though Tela Vasir fights similarly to the hordes of biotics you’ve fought throughout the game already, she has a unique dash attack (that is shared only by a vanguard Shep) and enough health to make it feel like an actual boss fight. The Shadow Broker himself also has a boss fight with its own unique mechanics. While this fight isn’t as strong and fairly easy, it’s a fun set piece that I think wraps up the expansion well.

I have some story gripes with the DLC, specifically about Liara’s character just doing a straight 180 from ME1 to ME2/3, as well as your 2nd squadmate just being eerily silent the entire time (though this is a problem throughout all of ME2), but overall I think it bridges the gap well enough from ME1 to ME3, so definitely play this if you don’t want to be completely lost at Liara’s complete and utter character change throughout the trilogy.

This is definitely the best expansion for ME2, and absolutely worth a play. It’s a couple hours long and contains vital info for ME3 that would leave you feeling confused without. It mixes things up enough from the main game that it doesn’t feel like a slog through the exact same thing you’ve been doing while also contributing significantly to the game’s lore and worldbuilding. Give it a look.