I've been a fan of Vanillaware games since Odin Sphere. I love their signature art style and melodramatic storytelling and was looking forward to both here too.

What I was not expecting was to enjoy the combat as much as I did. Unicorn Overlord tasks you with presetting actions of every character in your units as they perform their actions without your input. I've heard the combat compared to Ogre Battle, which I have no experience with, so my closest is instead Final Fantasy XII with its Gambit system.

All of your characters have actions they can perform and you can set the conditions for which they activate from a large list with priority. It starts off fairly simple, with just 2 characters per unit and 3 units in combat, but it quickly builds to 3 then later 4/5 characters per unit with a max of 10 units you can deploy.

There are just so many ways in which the vast amount of unit types can combo with each other that it can feel like there is no obvious team to go with, rather, it's the team you made. The team you built that works for you and gets the job done. That level of satisfaction was one I was not expecting to have as I grew fond not just of certain characters, but the teams I put them in.

And while the combat was great, I do have a complaint that the story feels minimal and underdeveloped. I believe the nature of the game with the open map hurt its storytelling. An issue many open world games suffer from as well. It's a shame to be let down by the story, coming off the excellent storytelling from their previous game: 13 Sentinels.

Despite my grievances, this game is well worth playing and a highly satisfying experience that delivers unique combat challenges with unique classes to recruit, the entire way through.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2024
