This game does a great job at bringing back the Frogger formula, while also adding in new mechanics to spice up the gameplay. My favorite element here is the use of the tongue. You can use it push and pull certain tiles, and it's used for some pretty creative and challenging puzzles. Grid detection is a little sloppy at times, especially with moving platforms. However, instances where I fell through platforms didn't happen enough to ruin the experience for me. The game provides a good challenge, and some puzzles definitely took me a while to figure out. If you like puzzle games, then I would highly recommend checking this one out. The graphics are very appealing and easy on the eyes. There's some pretty fun character designs, as well as some really pretty environments. The city levels and the dinosaur levels are probably my favorite visually. The music in this game is fantastic. Most of the songs use a similar melody, but they each remix it in a unique way that keeps it from getting stale. And some of the songs here are just so relaxing. It's great stuff. This game does have some pretty fun multiplayer content too. The minigames here are all very polished and enjoyable to play. However, since this game is made by the Mario Party developers, that shouldn't be much of a surprise. I would have liked to see more minigames, but what's here is solid. The biggest issue with the game is the amount of waiting that it sometimes takes. You'll often have to wait through boss attack patterns or for moving platforms to sync up. And it can get really tedious sometimes. I also wish that the other characters got more attention here. There's a whole team of rescue frogs, and yet they don't do much in the game. I think you could play as each one throughout the story and they all had unique abilities, that would have been really cool. Even with my complaints, I still love this game and it's my second favorite Frogger game. Puzzle game fans and Frogger fans should definitely give this one a shot.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2021
