Arguably the first great pinball game on consoles, even though I like Video Pinball as well. While this game is mostly known now for its cameo appearances of Mario and Pauline, it really is an excellent representation of pinball. It features two different sections to make one giant table, giving the game some nice variety. There's lots of charming characters on display, including penguins, seals, and chicks who hatch out of eggs. There's also quite a few objectives to fulfill to get more points, such as collecting a row of Pac-Man like dots, a set of five cards, and even a little slot machine where you have to hit a paddle to stop it. The sound effects can be a little grating at times, but serve their purpose well. And the game has a nice little jingle on the title screen, like a lot of early NES games do. While not the most perfect pinball game ever, Nintendo's own Pinball is still a great way to get your pinball fix at home.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2021
