While I think some of the hate for this game is a bit reactionary and not fully deserved...yeah, this just isn't it. I think there's something to be said for how the actual gameplay itself feels when you get into that flow state while blasting hordes of minions, but the fact that the game does everything in its power to keep people from wanting to get to that point is a failure in design on its own. And even when you do get to enter that flow state, the game is constantly pulling you out with rewards screens and strangely long load times. The story of this has been talked to death at this point and I have no problem with other people hating it, I just...didn't. It has its issues, and if you see it as the conclusion of the beloved Arkamverse, I can understand some of the strong reactions. But there were enough jokes that made me laugh and you can't tell me that (most of) this voice cast wasn't putting in the work. I finished up the Platinum Trophy with my friends tonight, and I don't see myself going back to it ever, but I've played worse games with friends for a Platinum, so take that for what you will. In the end I think the worst thing Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League did was make the future of Rocksteady shaky at best.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
