Reviewed on 11/06/20

In the ever growing shadow of the PS5's launch, I've found it hard to focus on any games other than Smash Ultimate. However, I couldn't leave Mad Max as my final Platinum Trophy on the PS4, so I sat down and busted this little remastered Vita game out in two days. While this isn't necessarily world altering in any way other than its core mechanic, the amount of fun I had zipping along buildings and taking tight turns as I mastered my powers alongside Kat was undeniably delightful. The story isn't much to write home about considering they decided to not write much of a story to begin with outside of a few sci-fi/superhero cliches, but the comic book artwork was always nice to look at, even if I couldn't help but wish it was all voice acted. If you're looking for a game to play as you wait for the PS5's looming release date (6 more days, babyyy) you could do a lot worse than Gravity Rush. And let's be honest, you probably haven't played it because you didn't own a PS Vita. I'm sorry, Vita. You deserved better.

Rating: 7/10
Platinum Trophy Difficulty: 3/10
Platinum #148

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2022
