Reviewed on 11/29/20

While I can respect the game's choice to deliver something unique with its online split-screen co-op premise, A Way Out just doesn't have many ideas on how to expand on its premise to truly stand out. This strikes me as a game that should have been an hour or so shorter, or at least come at each chapter with a new spin on its central idea. When we're finally given slight variations on the familiar theme, it was a breath of fresh air and had me and my buddy excitedly waiting for what would come next. Unfortunately, what was next was some shoddy gunplay, and a finale that, while unexpected for us, was not nearly as emotionally gripping as clearly intended. If you've got a couple spare nights and a buddy you love to game with, this will blow by in a breeze...just don't expect this to totally reinvent the online co-op landscape.

Rating: 6/10
Platinum Difficulty: 4/10
Platinum Trophy #153

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2022
