Bayonetta 2’s story may be slightly more subdued than the original, but even still, it’s hard not to fall in love with it for its cast of colorful characters and those moments that go exceptionally hard (trump card scene anyone?). However, what it lacks in scale from the original it makes up for with gameplay improvements in spades. Overall, everything feels more free-flowing and natural, the new weapons are a load of fun to mess around with, and the frustratingly hard to control vehicle sections are a thing of the past. That’s not to mention the environments are a hell of a lot more eye-catching this time around as they play around in shades of blue and purple. At this point I am poised to totally fall in love with Bayonetta 3 this October, so here’s hoping the immaculate design of this Wii U darling will be carried on into the future.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2022
