Platform: PlayStation 5
Date Started: December 12th, 2023
Date Finished: December 18th, 2023
Time Played: 12 Hours

"No matter what, you keep finding something to fight for."

An excellent game remade excellently making it the best way to play this PlayStation classic, The Last of Us: Part I tells a straightforward, gripping narrative that is memorable thanks to it's two wonderful leads and their believable, evolving relationship in a bleak, decaying world.

Strong performances and motion capture bring these characters to life, and there are plenty of memorable side characters along the way that don't outstay their welcome or detract from the main narrative. Ellie and Joel's journey is a wonderful adventure, where the downtime between firefights and small dialogue moments in the world are just as, if not more important as the gun-play.

Gameplay-wise too, though, we are treated to an addictive blend of weighty action that always packs a punch, be it via the excellent feeling guns with perfect kick or the brutal melee, and the satisfying light stealth that is always a pleasure to pull off. The scavenging and managing of resources is addictive and immersive even on the easier difficulties, and the balance of all of these elements on top of the exploration of these gorgeous, incredible environments makes it an absolute pleasure to play every single time.

In comparison to the original release there are a few things that I didn't find as visually strong, however. The characters' faces for example, lost a lot from their original designs and art-style, but I guess it makes sense for these to be changed to match with their rejigged designs from Part II to make it one seamless experience - I just don't like it. Some AI and game-play additions from Part II wouldn't have gone amiss for a pricey remake to justify its existence a little more, too, as things are near enough completely the same as they were over a decade ago.

The Last of Us: Part I is the definitive way to play this strong piece of work, then, and is an easy recommendation for anyone with the PlayStation 5 system.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
