A lot of good ideas, executed very poorly. The dungeons are fantastic and the world and monster design once you get past the incredibly dull first 10 hours are great.

The narrative is fine, fairly standard light vs dark, chosen one storyline. The game tries to build up relationship between the boys but most of the time this either feels unearned and forced or just badly done.

Quest Design:
90% of the numerous side quests are the most boring and worst designed side quests I've played in a long time. I've not played a game that respects your timeless than this in a long time, most of the playtime of the game is just walking/driving from point to point, which is most often dull.

The main story quest design fares a lot better and is, for the most part, a lot more enjoyable. Barely any of it is amazing but compared to the side quests, they're much better.

The combat is the worst combat system I've played in a long time, requiring zero skill due to the fact that if you get to zero health you become practically invulnerable for like 30 seconds and then can just use healing item and be revived, so your real health bar is the number of items. I didn't die or feel like I was at any risk of dying through the whole game, even when attempting a dungeon double my level. It has some cool ideas like the link attacks, magic system and warp strikes, but all of them are poorly executed. Weird to have the summons just happen randomly. choosing to use the royal weapons felt like a weird decision because of the fact they hurt you and do only slightly more damage than usual ones. Also, the game does a terrible job at explaining the combat to the player.

Reviewed on Jul 25, 2021
