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Urgh. I enjoyed the first two games but this is a mess and almost every issue is completely down to the 'Be anyone' mechanic. Unlike the first two games, you dont have a real set playable character. Instead you pick from a selection of NPCs and make your way recruiting anyone you can find with each person having different skills and abilities.

This could have been something good if missions took multiple team-mates into account, allowing for oceans-style heists and such... Instead no. Its one character at all times and all it leads to is you using only one character most of the time unless you have a very specific scenario to clear. This is doubly-compounded by some abilities being completely game-breaking to the point where you can just skate through most levels without a single sweat.

Because of the fact theres no set lead character, it also means theres no room for anything plot-wise to stick. No character development, no relationships. Guess you gotta fanfic that. It doesnt help the core plot is half stolen from the original game, the other half plunges itself so far into sci-fi territory to the point where the semi-realistic feel of the first game has completely gone out of the window.

Overall just an incredible disappointment of a game.