If I was rating this game entirely on how it makes me feel in a nostalgic manner, this would get all the points. Its a wonderful little piece of time from my childhood where my family didnt have a ton of money so instead of going abroad or to big holiday villas, we would go to a variety of small family owned places full of walking paths, deserted beaches, cliffy walks and awkward 'landmarks', half of which were natural and falling the pieces, the other half full of barely maintained minigolf courses, kids playgrounds and pretend fantasy.

Unfortunately when it comes to gameplay, it falls apart. Combat feels spammy and clumsy and you get the feeling its mostly there to pad things out otherwise there wouldnt be as much of a game here. Its also a game that isnt very good when playing single-player thanks to the clumsy AI getting in the way more often than not. Maybe I should play through this more with somebody else but theres too much nonsense in the combat to really make me want to persevere.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

It's really not much better co-op to be honest. A friend and I kickstarted it but found the whole experience completely mediocre. A real let down.