While I haven't completed Tunic just yet (Am currently doing cleanup on items/secrets before I do the endgame boss stuff), I think I have a clear opinion on this.

Generally, be it for good or bad, most games give you an idea of what to expect when playing a game. Tunic looks and feels like a indie take on classic Zelda but on playing, its a lot more concerned with combat and the occasional bit of sneaking vs puzzle solving. Thats not to say Puzzles are completely absent but instead they are more in line with something like Fez than Zelda.

You see, the game doesn't do much in the way of hand-holding. There's a lot you need to uncover yourself by either paying close attention to environmental details, hugging every nook and cranny like your life depends on it and by finding pieces of the games 'Instruction Manual' which is filled with little clues, hints and pictograms teasing and showing the sorts of things you need to do to progress.

As such the game is FULL of little Eureka moments and every so often you'll uncover another thing that's been staring you in the face that'll bring on a sheer rush of adrenaline as you realise what else you can do. Its charming and downright clever in its execution.

That said, this game does require you to take more than a few leaps of logic to reach places. Shopkeepers that seem threatening, essential stat upgrades not made obvious and teleport/fast travel points, hidden in plain sight. It all leads to a game where the first hour or so can be quite rough, especially with its combat.

Ah the combat. Tunic does a pretty good job of having a souls-lite combat in play, at first seeming daunting as hell but later opening up and being pretty easy to work with thanks to an array of magic items, power ups and techniques... Then comes the point near the end of the game where a rather nasty twist hits and the difficulty shoots back up for a bit. Owtch.

Like Fez, its certainly a game perfect for those who want to fully explore somewhere and uncover a wealth of mystery and even now, im still spotting things, curios and secrets hidden away, waiting for me to pick at the wallpaper to reveal more.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2022


2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

Lol somebodys salty about being called out. Oh well. Deeelete. Block!

2 years ago

Finished up the review! Some quick notes to anyone wanting to play

Pay close attention to EVERYTHING, from inventory menus, to walls, to the booklet pages. It'll help a TON
If something gets too hard, either go back and do some collectables/upgrades. Or use some items to get past. Or if you REALLY need to, go to the accessibility options and there you can give yourself unlimited stamina or unlimited health. I wouldn't use these options for ALL the game but if you are hitting a complete wall with no way out, use one or both, get past that point and deactivate them again. You'll feel better for it in the long run.