While its nice to have an engine update and most of the core plot is enjoyable enough to go through, this always has the issue that its a prequel to a set of pre-determined events which has the unfortunate effect of dampening some of the more emotional twists and turns. Its still a nice cap on the first game as a whole, especially with the bonus chapter helping to solve some of the ending concerns from the original but the overall game still comes off as a little superfluous at times.

Honestly its one of those games thats just perfect to mindlessly spin through in between bigger releases. Its not amazing, it certainly suffers from a lack of content and its combat mechanics are a little on the lackluster side but for a few hours, its fun to just throw yourself around the game world, grabbing all kinds of powerups and loot items and taking in the overall explorative nature of the game. Fun... Albiet limited fun. Perfect for a sale or Games Pass.

Honestly a brilliant compilation and one that easily manages to surpass more recent collections that Capcom have put out due to its variety and extra content.

What you get here is Alpha, Alpha 2, Alpha 2 Gold, Alpha 3, Alpha 3 Upper (unlockable), Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix and a special version of Street Fighter Alpha that lets you mix and match different versions of characters and lets you use meters and mechanics from each game along with mechanics from the VS series, Darkstalkers and more. Its honestly a gem of a mode. Having a massively comprehensive sound test that allows you to browse through audio for every SF game to that point along with console specific remixes and varient... chefs kiss

If I have to complain, the collection is in dire need of movelists either in the manual or in the pause menus.

Lococyle is a game of contradictions. Its got supposedly skilled writers and voice actors and yet the plot sucks and the voice acting is trash. The file size is huge suggesting a big game full of content but nope, its the same few things over and over and its over with very soon.

Despite that the game still feels like its a lot longer thanks to dragged out missions and repetitive gameplay. Congrats. You made 5 minutes feel like 15. Now go be a better game.

Ironically for a game about water and other fluids, this game somehow manages to be so dry and joyless. Mechanically its sound but it just lacks personality to make you wanna continue on.

Starts off well with an amazing atheistic and page upon page of weird neon-soaked dial-up nostalgia. Everything is just a joy to blast through as you collect silly stickers, buy nonsense music to play as you hunt and find a weird array of colourful characters. It all builds up brilliantly....

However as the game progresses, the sheer volume of stuff to remember and scour through makes progression a bit of a chore and making busywork feel like filler to expand an already pretty short game.

That end chapter takes all of this to an extreme and the sheer amount of stuff to dive through to get to where you need to be... It feels like hunting for a needle in a haystack and thats not fun.

Played on Xbox360 - This incredible machines ripoff series is fun at times but good lord the game is horribly optimised on the Xbox360, often lagging horribly and making what should be a breezy casual fun experience into a pile of fustration.

Its fine... I mean its a pretty basic gem matching game with a rather drab Egyptian coat of paint and a soundtrack that bores more than excites. Somebody at Sega must have a hard-on for this game given the sheer amount of ports it has to everything going.

Somehow manages to offend all five of my senses at once. Painful to look at and hear. Your hands will hurt like hell because of the bad controls and the way the camera works will likely cause you to be sick... which tastes and smells bad.

All five senses. No.

Starts off fun, mechanics are sound and it looks nice. Only issue is the game never changes its graphics at all so everything looks the same regardless of what level you are on. In addition, levels go from fun frolics to over-long nightmares you wish would end.

Theres some decent stuff here but theres also a fair amount of clunkers to offset those. Emulation is mostly ok bar some games with sound issues. The overall UI and menu systems suck horribly. Its worth nabbing if you need to but theres better ways to play most of the titles on this collection nowadays.

Another ok set of games with the occasional emulation hiccup. UI is much better but the hiccups are more noticable with MK II getting hit hard thanks to button mapping choices and APB having some weird scratchy sounds.

Oof. The emulation here is not pretty for some of the racing games with slowdown in some, stuttering in others and a couple have their entire soundtracks replaced by garbage. This is not good and you'd be better off trying to find the dreamcast versions of some of the games here.

This is not how you do a collection. Sure the base arcade games are all fine and play well but hiding all the Atari 2600 games behind a heap of brutally unfun and difficult challenges is just sadistic and pretty much forces you to either master every single arcade game to the point of exhaustion or to download a separate save file to use.

Just no