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Bells retired Tetris

7 days ago

Bells retired Sega Tetris

7 days ago

Bells finished Tetris

7 days ago

Bells finished Tetris

7 days ago

Bells finished Tetris

7 days ago

7 days ago

7 days ago

Bells backloggd Jack Bros.

7 days ago

Bells backloggd Tetris

7 days ago

Bells backloggd Disillusion

7 days ago

Bells followed straylight

7 days ago

Bells commented on Rowan1312's list Games where the protagonist is also the healer of the party
VI, VII, IX, X also all have job systems where you can build the protagonist as a healer, but the inclusion of those might be a little overkill in this context LMAO

7 days ago

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