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For personal reference more than anything else.

First full playthrough of this game after an attempt about 8 years ago.

This was alright, the main pony gameplay was kind of fun if a little repetitive at times. I quite liked the puzzles as well. The story wasn't particularly interesting and it felt a bit 'been there, done that', I saw a lot of the 'cute or child-friendly looking thing that's actually evil and scary' growing up and this one going the satanic route just feels one step further into generic territory. I did really like the section with Asmodeus though, the fake steam messages absolutely got me and made me check before I got to the ones that would have made the fact they were fake incredibly clear, it did kind of freak me out which was good. I was also surprised that Hopeless Soul wasn't evil as I really thought they would be, so that felt quite nice and subversive. In all honesty though I think that outside of the Asmodeus section, I was having the best time with the game when it was doing the happy and colourful bullshit with Louey which feels like it kind of defeats the point of the game. I think there may be more under the surface to this game in terms of its story and what its trying to say, but what I played felt messy, shallow and relying too hard on shock value. So I don't exactly care to look it up or whatever. The music was really good though and I was a fan of the general aesthetic of the game.

Its not a bad game and I don't regret my time with it, but I don't really have much to say about it either nor do I think it will really stay in my mind. Still though, it was an alright game.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
