Prodeus 2022

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Prodeus is a retro (but not really) boomer shooter. It's fast and frantic with excellent feeling weapons and some great gibs. Expect to be zipping through ugly environments, finding secrets, picking up keycards to open gates, and, more often than not, exploding motherfuckers with giant shotguns.

The action ramps up as the game goes on, but the thirtieth level is very much like the first, and you're never really doing much except shooting things and turning them to mush. Having completed Doom Eternal earlier this year, this feels simplistic by comparison. Boomer purists who didn't get on with Eternal's more complex mechanics may see that as a positive, but I found it a little repetitive. It's also a bit too long - those thirty-odd levels start to drag towards the end, and with a game this intense, it can become overbearing; I found it difficult to devote an entire evening to it and have been playing a level or two here and there over the past month or so.

That simplicity, however, makes it easy to dip in and out of, and with its very forgiving checkpoint system (if you die you just respawn, the only penalty being to your end of level score, which I wasn't fussed about) it's a good game to have on the back-burner when you're in the mood for switching your brain off and basking in some good old fashioned ultraviolence.