I thought this was pretty great, right up until the end, when it became a little bit too fiddly and exacting, which discouraged me from pursuing all of the optional challenges that I'd been ticking off until that point. Up until then, however, it was an excellent experience that looks gorgeous and feels great to play. Calling it a skateboarding game, however, is something of a misnomer: I'd say it has more in common with Celeste or the platforming sections in Ori games than it does with Tony Hawk's, and especially with Skate. It's much more of a 2D platformer than it is a sports game, particularly when the levels become more technical, as they do later on; you just happen to be pulling tricks between platforms instead of jumping.

I say I've 'completed' it, but, really, it's one of those games that you could play more or less endlessly: there's a very generous amount of content in the base package, with close to a hundred levels, most of which have alternative routes, challenges and high scores to beat. And I haven't even touched the online stuff, nor either of the DLC episodes that came with the 'Rad Edition' I picked up very cheaply, and I've been playing it for twenty hours! I feel like I'm done with it for now, but I'm going to keep it installed on my Deck and dip into it now and again. It's a great podcast game.

If you're looking for something light and pretty that you can zone in and out with in a flow state, then this is definitely recommended.

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2023
