This game... might be my current runner for my personal goty. It's a nearly flawless JRPG. It has my personal favorite soundtrack of the year, every character story is enticing, and I couldn't shut up about it as I was playing. I will say the voice acting may be hit or miss in some areas, but fantastic in others, but that hardly detracts any points from the game for me personally. I'm so glad Square decided to bring it to the west in HD-2D after all these years. We can only hope more Square gems are given the same treatment, because it would just be flat-out amazing. Buy this game.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

for me the thing with the voice acting is that the original jp dub is a huge all star cast with a ton of really great and talented voice actors and great direction, whereas i feel like the english dub for most scenarios either has a character casted well or given good direction, not really both aside from a few characters.