I'm gonna preface this by saying I've played every God of war game, from ps2 to ps5. I'll always prefer the raw combat of classic God of war, but that being said, Ragnarok is an improvement on 2018.

If you liked that, it's basically just more of what you'd come to expect. There's some changes to the upgrades and skill tree, more side quests and more exploration, too.

The performances by the cast are great, and this is still my favorite version of Kratos, as well. Exploring and hearing dialogue was probably the highlight for me again, as it was with 2018. I guess to sum up my thoughts, there's a lot to love in the current iteration,

what the team gave us with Ragnarok is still a well-crafted adventure, but to me personally misses a lot of elements of what made the series special. I'd say wait for a price drop if you want to experience it, personally.

I still enjoyed my time with it, and there's a lot to love, but it felt like I was moving from point A to B for story. I'm passionate about God of war, a lifelong fan and am happy the current series continues to exist and thrive, but I'll always want to see it improve, be better.

Side note, you can really notice a lot of whats holding the game back being cross-gen, a lot of tight wall squeezes and "can you give me a boost" areas to mask loading. I imagine there would be quite less of that if the game was being made as a current gen only title.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2022
