Picked this up after a year of not playing it and I see why I shelved it. Gameplay wise, sonic controls well apart from the mid-air jump, which isn’t tight compared to previous games and can really halt gameplay, especially with speed running the cyber stages. Speaking of those they are a BOOORE compared to exploring the main world, I was happy doing light speed dashes and such collecting the collectibles but when it came to collecting keys from the cyber stages I wanted to turn the game off faster than sonic could speed run it. The reason why ive given it a star higher is for the jukebox feature that came with an update, the soundtrack to many sonic games are top tier excellent and deserve to be played! As a final note: fuck chaos island

Final Fantasy XVI felt like a return to form, but also fell short in a few ways. I really grew to love the combat, it felt a bit button mashy at first but the balance of Eikon moves and normal sword combat felt so smooth, and it was fun to string combos and move sets together. The music was hit and miss for me, some tracks were bland but the tracks that were memorable to me were some of the best I’ve heard in the series. The characters were interesting, some were extremely underdeveloped. Overall, I enjoyed it and will probably revisit when the second DLC comes out.