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JapaniKatti finished Hidden Robo Cats
💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Cute game filled with 100 hidden cats! The artwork is simple yet very cute. Finding the cats were very easy though, and I would have wished for a little bit more of a difficulty, or more levels to balance out the game being so easy to complete. It took me a whopping 3 minutes to complete.

Definitely a great free addition to the hidden cats assemble of games, but I hope they add updates in the future for the game to have more content! If you want to support the developer, they also have a DLC level that you can get for under 1€. It adds another 100 cats, but doesn't add any new achievements, so it's not a must if you just want to 100% the game.

I will definitely recommend it, since it's a free game with cute cats, but don't expect a huge amount of gameplay in this one!

5 days ago

JapaniKatti finished Hidden Cats in Berlin
💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Nukearts Studio once more deliveres an amazing success of a game in their series of hidden cat games. Like it's predecessors, Hidden Cats in Berlin delivers an impressive array of details in it's artworks, with cats hidden in multiple different places and a couple of different modes to enjoy. You start with an uncolored illustration and it gets colored as you find more and more cats until the last one is found and the final awesome artwork is revealed in all of its beautiful color.

You get to play through two different modes of the main game, normal and advanced, as well as extra kitten levels that are unlocked from finding special named cats in advanced mode! There is also a big bonus level, which is unlocked by doing all of the bonus kitten levels. It's similar to what they started to include in their few previous games.

The game is relaxing and addictive like all the games in the series and I would highly recommend this game wholeheartedly, not just on sale, but even with full price as it is not only cheap, but supports the developers to make more of these amazing hidden cat games! Try it out!

5 days ago

JapaniKatti finished Those Days
It was okay! The adult scenes were cute and wholesome, but it felt like the story was zooming forward and there wasn't much to it in general. It was also unfinished and from what I read around it seems that the creator has disappeared, so it will probably never get finished.

Either way it was free, fun artstyle and rather wholesome for a gay adult VN game. It's alright, but could have been better.

5 days ago

JapaniKatti finished Corbid! A Colorful Adventure
💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Hop on and drive into the colorful adventure of this very cute game! You play as Corbid, a cute elephant, with the power of color on their side. You meet a cute friend, Poppy the axolotl, who helps you on your adventures.

You play your way through two different gardens which contain a few different levels and a boss "fight" for each. It's a very well made and enjoyable game, with cute enemies and a colorful look. The enemies in this game are defeated non-violently, so it's a very lovely game for children. The puzzles in this game include simple navigation, complex paths to unlock doors, use pressure plates and switches, targeting, navigating through different slimes, finding the different colors, combining them and more!

I absolutely enjoyed the game, the first garden was rather simple, but it was clearly meant as a "teaching the basics" kind of stage. The second garden was a little bit harder and it had me scratching my head at some times, but it was still rather simple and great for kids as well! I also read some reviews where people said there had been some bugs, but for me, I encountered none, so I believe they had fixed them rather quickly.

In conclusion it's a very lovely and enjoyable game in my opinion! Definitely worth the price it sits at and it was super fun. Absolutely recommended!

5 days ago

JapaniKatti earned the Replay '14 badge

5 days ago

JapaniKatti followed rawfi

5 days ago

5 days ago

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