The game was alright I think. I did like some of the interactions of the characters, some of the routes/endings were really good, but there was this weird thing with the game for me, that I wasn't really sure what the end goal was most of the time, until I managed to find that one thing, that made it for me through to the ending I was looking for.

My maybe most annoying part about this game was how it just threw you into it, no explanation, no leading into the story, just plop "you are immigrant kids making a club house, go do your thing." which was honestly a weird choice to go with in my opinion.

The art style is pretty great, I liked how the main characters all looked unique in their own ways, but I wasn't a fan of the repetitive use of the models of the main characters with some of the other characters, just with a different color scheme, that gave me a lazy look at the game and it felt like the devs didn't really want to make more NPCs, even though some of the characters would have benefited from being special and unique in their own ways.

In the end however, it's a great little short game that will be interesting for many players, but I just couldn't recommend it with the current price of it and comparing the content in the game itself.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
