Such a grand ending to the Batman Telltale series! In this season, you get to face new precarious situations with both Bruce Wayne and Batman. There are amazing cast of villains in this season, like Bane, Dr. Freeze, Harley Quinn, The Riddler and, of course, The Joker, whose birth you get to influence on with your choices very closely.

With any telltale game, the gameplay is always the same, nothing grandeur, but not bad either. It's memorable and safe, easy to understand. What gets you going though, is the story and the intricate choices you get to make as Bruce Wayne and Batman. It really felt like I had the choice to decide on what happens, and I really loved every second of it.

Sadly I did have some troubles with ctds and having to restart chapters because of missclicks and saves overwriting so I couldnt go back to fix it. Despite those little problems, I was able to enjoy this experience to the fullest!

Now if you don't mind, I gotta go cry in the corner for the sweet lost friendship between joker and brucie. ah yes, bffs forever, even after all that, I say!

Anyways, It's definitely a game worth playing and fun to start from the first game. Fully recommended!

Minecraft has to be one of the more amazing survival crafters that I have ever played. It's a really fun game even on your own, but even more fun with friends. There is lots to do and many great things to build. There is lots of different ways to play the game and hours upon hours of fun game time can be sunk into this game. Definitely a recommendation from me for now and many years to come.

Even though the game isn't as great as the original trilogy, I still think this game is worth to be played.

100% worth the money. Definitely. If you don't have friends who play it, just find a streamer who is looking for players. There is many who take random people into the games too. I really suggest using voice chat with this game though.

EDIT: The addition of achievements was a fun thing to be added! just sad that they didn't automatically update with your already existing stats!

"Listen, at last, to what has always existed and was never there, and seek until your last breath ━ the impossible pathway."

Delve into an atmospheric world of Etherborn, a puzzle platformer, that focuses on the aspects of ever changing gravity. You play as a voiceless being that was just recently born into this world, where a bodiless voice guides your journey forward. The game feels like a dream, the ever changing gravity with the structures is mesmerizing and disorienting at times, you scratch your head many times when trying to find these orbs that get you forward, but the puzzles are not too difficult that it would hinder the progress.

The low-poly graphical style of this game doesn't take away from the atmosphere of the game at all. It actually enhances it! The way the fog around the platforms and the god rays that shine through the bars add to the look of the game is absolutely fantastic!

I had a bunch of fun playing through the game for one time, but adding the new game plus was kind of annoying. Sure it was different since the orbs were harder to find, but the game doesn't have any choices or different endings, so adding a ng+ seems a little weird.

Even so, I think the game is very good indie game and well worth the playtime. I don't think it should be as expensive as it currently is, so if you plan on getting it, just wait for a sale. Otherwise, 100% recommended!

One of my favorite games from childhood.

Her Story is a crime fiction game with non-linear storytelling, it revolves around a police database full of live action video footage. You search the database and explore hundreds of clips to discover her story. It’s her story, but it’s also your story.

It's a fantastic story with a lot of mystery in it that you get to unravel with each clip you watch. The search functionality is almost addicting, helping you feel like you're a genius for following gut feelings and ideas instead of pushing you in a linear direction. At the end, there is a revelation, but the story itself through the clips remains vague and mysterious, driving you to your own conclusions.

It's a great game, worth playing if you enjoy these types of games. Though, in my opinion, it's better to get it at a sale, since many people might find the slow build up and the vague ending boring.

Florence is a beautiful experience that isn’t afraid to tell an ordinary story. You act out the simple life of Florence Yeoh, who feels like her life is an endless routine of work, sleep, trying to keep your parents of her back and spending too much time on social media. Eventually romance finds it's way into the mix, but relationships aren't always forever.

In Florence, you break the ordinary cycle of her life, you find love, but eventually move on and in the end find new inspirations for her life and life goes on.

It's a simple game, with not much gameplay elements, some small point and click aspects, but otherwise it's mostly just watching the story unfold. It's a very short game, took me an hour to 100% with some downtime in between chapters. It's a very impactful story nonetheless and it's quite intimate and raw with it's emotions. Definitely a small little game worth playing, even at full price.

Quite a good visual novel, really enjoyed the atmosphere the game was able to bring while playing. The lore and the vampires were all very interesting and pleasant. I can definitely recommend this game.

One of my absolute favorite sims games. Just lovely.

A man who never eats pork buns is never a whole man!

One of my favorites games that I played on my xbox 360. I can't wait to play the remastered!

great and memorable game! awesome graphics! can't wait to play it on PC.

Such an amazing game! A lot of nostalgia feelings with this one.

No Longer Home is a simple game about letting go of the life you've built due to circumstances beyond your control. You get a close look at the lives of Bo and Ao and you learn about their dreams, frustrations and fears. This is an Interactive Story, point-and-click, where you wander through the home shared by the main protagonists and their flatmates.

No Longer Home is fine for what it is, but feels like it could have been so much more. The writing is really well done and the characters feel real and well thought out, and the game really hits that "life in your early 20s" vibe that's a crossroads of frustration and uncertainty, but at most times it feels like its dragging on in conversations that are not interesting and not contributing to the story at all.

Overall, I did really find the characters and storyline interesting. I genuinely wanted to know more about them and where their story would lead. You know, how the situation between them would change or if it would stay the same, how would the characters evolve and improve themselves, but then the game was over, without any further progress on the story or characters. No finalization of anything. I also find it sad that all those metaphorical symbolisms remained unexplained and vague.

In the end, No Longer Home is a decent story based interactive game with LGBTQ+ main characters and relatable story, but it falls short with the storytelling and the story progression finding it's end. I would recommend the game, if you find it on a really good sale, but at full price, the game is not worth it, therefore I will not recommend this game. I wish there was a neutral option for steam, but sadly no.