💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Nukearts Studio has once again delivered an amazing success of a game in their series of hidden cat games. Like it's predecessors, Hidden Cats in Rome delivers an impressive array of details in it's artworks, with cats hidden in places one wouldn't know to look for at first, but when you focus on the search you will enjoy the hunt. You start with a monochromatic illustration and it gets colored as you find more and more cats until the last one is found and the final awesome artwork is revealed in all of its beautiful color.

You get to play through two different modes of the main game, normal and advanced, while unlocking bonus kitten levels! There is also a new bonus level called Nerd Arena, which is unlocked by doing all of the bonus kitten levels.

Normal mode has 120 cats in fixed positions and 5 hints available, though I suggest playing through it without using hints as that is required for an achievement. In Advanced mode there is 200 cats in semi-random positions and 12 Special cats that unlock Bonus Levels and give hints when found, and also 20 different city people to find that also give hints when found, though as with normal mode, using no hints grants an achievement so I recommend going without them.

Bonus Kitten levels are unlocked with finding the 12 special cats in Advanced mode and they have you searching for smaller cats that are more trickier to find, with a few hidden under clothing and backpacks ruffling in with animation for easier finding. The new bonus level, Nerd Arena, has you searching for kittens as well as people and it is clearly meant for as a test of your hidden object finding skills!

In this iteration of the series there is more than 970 hidden objects to be found in total, and the developers certainly outdid themselves from the previous games for sure.

The game is relaxing and addictive like all the games in the series and I would highly recommend this game wholeheartedly, not just on sale, but even with full price as it is not only cheap, but supports the developers to make more of these amazing hidden cat games! Try it out!

It's Amy's birthday, and she's hosting a murder mystery party on a fancy train called the Mirage Express! You play as a worker on the train, making sure the party and partypeople are having a good time! When Sonic becomes the game's victim, everyone is off to get to the bottom of things. Things unfold, the game goes forward and something is definitely not right!

The game is a lovely little visual novel game with a mix of some point & click elements. The story is pretty interesting and I think the game is pretty fun for a free game! Definitely thought the game was a joke when it came out, but apparently a lot of people enjoyed this and after playing it myself I can definitely say the same for myself.

It's a game from SEGA, so it's official and it's for the price of free! Definitely a recommend from me, especially for the fans of Sonic and friends.

💙This game was gifted to F.U.R. - Furries Under Review for review.

Hibernation Day was a short little experience where you play as a young opossum trying to enjoy Hibernation Day with his family, but your parents are fighting and your sister is being moody. You do simple tasks in the game to get your family back on track with enjoying the final day before the long sleep begins for winter.

It's a really short game, I completed the game in 15 minutes and a few minutes extra for the last two achievements, as one of them requires you to start the game again and other requires you to do a different choice with the trashcan.

The artstyle is super pretty and cute, and I definitely think it's a worthy little game to play for free! I hope the developer will make more cute games like this one in the future!

💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Cute game filled with 100 hidden cats! The artwork is simple yet very cute. Finding the cats were very easy though, and I would have wished for a little bit more of a difficulty, or more levels to balance out the game being so easy to complete. It took me a whopping 3 minutes to complete.

Definitely a great free addition to the hidden cats assemble of games, but I hope they add updates in the future for the game to have more content! If you want to support the developer, they also have a DLC level that you can get for under 1€. It adds another 100 cats, but doesn't add any new achievements, so it's not a must if you just want to 100% the game.

I will definitely recommend it, since it's a free game with cute cats, but don't expect a huge amount of gameplay in this one!

💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Absolutely adorable hidden animal game with capybaras and cats. It has such an unique artstyle, which kinda looks sketchy, but also really well done. The night levels were definitely my favorites as the glow of the lights when you clicked on a capybara that indicated it was found was stunning! Such great art.

There was enough animals to find where it wasn't too annoying and long, but it also gave a little bit of a challenge with some of them being very cleverly hidden. It is an easy game to 100%, as there is only 4 levels, and 2 achievements for each, then there is an achievement for finding all capybaras and cats and an achievement for finding all in a level without any hints.

Definitely a worthy purchase to those who are interested in hidden animal games. Highly recommended!

I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by La Volpe.

Telltale revolutionized the ground-breaking choice and consequence game mechanics with their The Walking Dead Series. Now they delivered us a dark and moody thriller based on the Fables comics, The Wolf Among Us.

You play as Bigby Wolf, also known as The Big Bad Wolf, who acts as the Sheriff of Fabletown, a community made for the fables who had to leave their home behind and enter the world of the regular people. The game delivers a mature and gritty take on characters from fairytales, legends and folklore who have escaped into our world and has you hooked on it's story from the get go.

The story spans across 5 episodes that have 5 chapters in each of them. It has twists and turns, excitement and emotion at every turn and a thrilling ending that can change depending on your choices. The story absolutely doesn't disappoint and it was such a blast to play through.

The game isn't even that hard to 100% either, as most achievements are automatic as the story progresses, though some require you to do different choices, for collecting all entries for the book of fables. Thankfully that has been made easy with the replay option after you have completed each episode. I did that at the end once I had completed the whole game and it took only a few moments.

I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Telltale games and story-based games. While everyone still clings to the hope of a second season, I personally am just really happy to have experienced this game. Definitely worth your time!

💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Have you always wanted to have a cute little creature companion with you while you watch a video or write your essay? Not to worry! Desktop Pet comes to the rescue with some cute creatures, that you can customize, and some very awesome extra features!

Desktop Pet is a life simulation game where you can take care of cute creatures while working or playing on your computer. Write documents, play games, watch videos together with your little companion. You can watch your pets jump around, play with toys and be goofy, while making sure that they are happy and well fed at the same time. There is also a cute little potion maker minigame inside the game that you can use to gain more gems to get more cool outfits, toys or just food for your pets.

It's a cute little tamagotchi typed game that you can keep on while you do other things! Sadly the game is very easy to beat currently and gaining currency is not that difficult. Hopefully with the release of the game and future updates there will be more fun things added!

Either way, the game is very fun to play currently and I recommend it whole heartedly! Great stuff!

Take on the role of a mystical ship captain and set out to search for differences and temporal paradoxes. ToriDori is a find the difference kind of game, with a polygonal artstyle and a lovely soundtrack. It's a relaxing adventure suitable for all ages and will entertain you for as long as you like.

To me it was a little annoying to go through the same maps a few times, even though the scenarios were slightly changed, I wasn't a fan of the reusing of scenes. It's still a great and rather simple game and I think it helps a lot that the game doesn't punish you for false clicks or using hints, but actively rewards them with achievements. I felt a lot more willing to just try clicking and finding stuff or use a hint when I got stuck, which really helped keep me from getting frustrated too much.

The dioramas were beautifully constructed and had a lot of little details you wanted to look through. It was absolutely a joy to just look around the dioramas and just chill, rather than trying to get through the levels fast.

Highly recommended game for all!

A very short puzzle game where you are a mouse named Otto trying to escape a rundown looking testing chamber. To escape the lab, Otto must look through the mirrors to see a parallel universe and reveal hidden paths.

The puzzles were fairly easy and didn't take too much thought. The artstyle was a very cool pixel style and the soundtrack was very fitting and gave an eerie atmosphere to the game.

I was kinda sad that it was such a short game as I was really enjoying it, it would have been very interesting if the journey continued forward from the lab. Either way the game was fun and I would highly recommend.

💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

An older flash style match-3 game previously released to mobile and BigFish Games around 2011. Many of the dev's other games are also from the mid to late 2000's era, now being ported to Steam as well.

Akhra: The Treasures was a fun, casual match-3 game, but sadly it doesn't really fit our curator in general. There was no animals of any kind which made it a little disappointing, BUT it doesn't really change my opinion on the game as a whole.

It's a good little game that is well done and has a solid amount of stages. It took me a little longer at certain points, because some stages required more brain, but it was mostly casual and chill. There is a few different types of stages in the game; slide, swap, twist and chain. You also have to collect map pieces while you go so you can move on to the next group of stages.

I would recommend this game for anyone who enjoys match-3 puzzle games! It's fun and enjoyable.

Want to experience the highs and lows of high school in a special way? It was hard enough for Alicia at the famed Wintermoor Academy before the Principal declared a snowball war between clubs! Now her club's only hope is to transform from nerdy nobodies into fantasy heroes. Unravel a reality-bending mystery with your friends and test your strategic mettle against an avalanche of colorful characters. And remember! High School is all about learning and making friends!

Wintermoor Tactics Club is a very charming, turn-based game about (essentially) a D&D club tackling a real life adventure. There's an underlying message about inclusivity and being true to yourself, but ultimately it's a cute Saturday morning cartoon type of game about the Power of Friendship! The tactics part of the game is not overly difficult, but some parts of it can offer a slight challenge.

The game offers a huge emphasis on characters and story, though the combat is also important. It's a wonderful little game that I spent a good chunk of time in, and I think it's fully worth it in the end. The story was intriguing and kept me on the edge of my seat, where as the characters were all lovely and unique, with their own little quirks and styles.

The game is very much worth it even at full price. Highly recommended.

In this story-based physics puzzle game you control an ever-growing hole in the ground. Donut County is most definitely a fantastic diversion from real life - It has quirky humor that will sweep you right up, the colorful characters of the world are absolutely fantastic, it's simple to play and it doesn't overstay it's welcome by being overly long and complicated.

The cast of characters is filled with a bunch of lovely animals and anthropomorphic animals, as well as a human too! It's diverse cast with their own personalities is definitely something that really hooked me into the story. It's not a long experience, but it's certainly something that I will cherish and it was welcome game in the vast sea of long games.

Just sit back and relax and start devouring everything in the world into your ever-growing hole! Definitely a recommended even at full price.

You have four basic elements, an empty planet and plenty of time. You will have to use your intelligence and imagination as you combine air, water, fire and earth to create them into new elements to make your planet come alive!

Doodle God is an addicting puzzle & world building game where players use logic and ingenuity to create the entire universe. Starting with the basic elements of earth, wind, fire and air players can build a world filled with locomotives, Dragons, skyscrapers, Aliens and more. As you create elements watch the world come to life as new combinations create new elements, life-forms and objects that propagate the planet's surface.

Doodle God is a puzzle video game developed by JoyBits and originally released in 2010 for iOS and Adobe Flash. It includes gameplay inspired by a DOS game named Alchemy from 1997. Acting as the Doodle God, the player must combine available elements together to gain access to new elements. Combinations can be both physical (such as combining Water and Lava to obtain Steam and Stone) and metaphorical (such as combining Water and Fire to obtain Alcohol).

When I played this game for the first time in 2011 I fell in love with it! It was so much fun and such a different experience from anything else I had played. Sadly, the game hasn't aged all that well and I feel like it's not such a great game for me anymore. I played through it fully, getting all combinations, all elements, did all chapters, puzzles and artifacts, and I can truly say that I just couldn't enjoy it the same anymore.

Not sure why that was my reaction to it, but maybe it was just me? Either way, I can't really recommend it to you. Could be fun to play for nostalgia if it was free but the price range for a game that hasn't aged all that well isn't that great.

A short 2D, Point and Click adventure with a Christmas theme, Seaberry Holiday manages to be a somewhat cute, but ultimately quite forgettable and very short festive story.

The artwork is ... cute? You can clearly tell that it was either made by someone younger or someone whose art journey is just starting, but the style gives the game a cute, child-like feel.

Sadly I feel like it is way too short, but since it is free, I feel like it's worth the short amount of time it takes to complete.

It's a cute little game about a deer walking in a forest. Sadly that is all what this game is about. It can be completed in under 30 minutes, there is a few small puzzles, but other than that, it has nothing to it. I wouldn't really recommend the game.