“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

From the BAFTA-Award winning ustwo games studio comes Alba: A Wildlife Adventure. An absolutely fantastic experience, imbued with personality at every turn, that can be completed in a single session, with an emotional finish and a great message about preserving nature and it's wonders.

Join Alba Singh, a cute pig-tail haired girl, as she visits her grandparents on a fictional Mediterranean island of Pinar del Mar. She is ready for a peaceful summer of wildlife exploration with her friend Ines in the town of Secarral, but when the mayor decides to doom the island's nature reserve to a sad fate, they decided to gather up signatures for a petition from the people of the town.

Alba: A Wildlife Adventure shows the power of a little girl and what she can do to make things better. It feels like the world is actually becoming a better place through small act of kindness and compassion that you could do in the real world today. It’s a good game to give to children, to help pass along the idea that they can make a difference, they can help the world, if they so choose. The game is a great experience for all ages though, and anyone can help out mother nature with small deeds through out their lives.

It's a beautiful experience that I was very happy to be able to experience. I have to thank my good friend Gina for gifting it to me, such a lovely game and it will forever stay in my favorites list. I wish more games would bring so much joy and happiness.

💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

The third game in the life of Mimi the Cat, this time you can play it co-op with friends or continue in single player. Mimi the Cat - Meow Together is a sokoban styled puzzle game where you control two different cats, or play with a friend, to push around boxes so you can get to your comfy cat bed and take a well deserved catnap!

This third iteration has brought us new things to enjoy such as hats, collars and other outfits for the cats to collect, a new toy train system for some of the levels that adds a different twist to the gameplay, as well as the new co-op system that you can play separately from the single player with your friend. The co-op was absolute blast and I read some other reviews and must say that it seems like a great addition and will bring lots of fun times to friends of sokoban styled puzzle games.

It's a very cute game and has a lot of charm, if you enjoy sokoban styled puzzle games and cats, you will most likely enjoy the game! For me, I was a little disappointed that the soundtrack was still the same as the previous games, it would have added a lot if there was some sort of small change to the previous games, for those who have played them and have had to listen to the same soundtrack in all of the games. Don't get me wrong, it's a good soundtrack, but it's rather repetitive when you've played all 3 games.

Either way, the game is really fun to play and definitely a good puzzle game, very much recommended for all fans of cats and sokoban!

💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

Thanks mom is a.. confusing platforming game? Question mark? I wasn't really sure what the heck was going on... I didn't really enjoy it. Something about babies, pregnancy and cow butt. I know this review is a little sparse, but I really don't know what to say. It was just.. bad in my opinion.

I wouldn't recommend it honestly. I guess if you want some weird stuff then sure.

💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Nukearts Studio once more deliveres an amazing success of a game in their series of hidden cat games. Like it's predecessors, Hidden Cats in Berlin delivers an impressive array of details in it's artworks, with cats hidden in multiple different places and a couple of different modes to enjoy. You start with an uncolored illustration and it gets colored as you find more and more cats until the last one is found and the final awesome artwork is revealed in all of its beautiful color.

You get to play through two different modes of the main game, normal and advanced, as well as extra kitten levels that are unlocked from finding special named cats in advanced mode! There is also a big bonus level, which is unlocked by doing all of the bonus kitten levels. It's similar to what they started to include in their few previous games.

The game is relaxing and addictive like all the games in the series and I would highly recommend this game wholeheartedly, not just on sale, but even with full price as it is not only cheap, but supports the developers to make more of these amazing hidden cat games! Try it out!

I won this game through SteamGifts.

As a vow to his dying Sensei, the young samurai Hiroki is sworn to protect his town and the people he loves against all threats. Faced with tragedy and bound to duty, the lone samurai must voyage beyond life and death to confront himself and decide his path forward.

The story was compelling and interesting, with beautiful monochromatic artstyle and frustrating combat, the game offers a pretty okay-ish experience. I really did want to enjoy it more honestly, but the combat and the fact that there was multiple endings that didn't really differ in any other way other than ONE choice right at the end of chapter 6 and the ending scene with the final boss, it was an experience I wished I could have gone through faster.

I managed to play through the game once on ronin difficulty while getting the no hit boss achievements, and a second run with the kensei difficulty. I save scummed for one of the endings to avoid the need to run through the game again, since I didn't really see a need for it. My favorite ending was probably the love route, and it really was heartwarming at the end.

I honestly think people who can manage through the combat will really enjoy the game, but I don't think it's worth almost 20€, so if you do decide to get it, get it at a big sale for sure or a bundle. That being said, I do think it's worth a recommendation from me anyway.

"The moment I became cursed might be the first moment I started truly living."

Cinderella Phenomenon is an otome visual novel game.
It's a well-written story with five potential love interests with good and bad endings for each.
It is definitely one of the best free to play visual novel games out here on steam.

The game is so well written. Each ending brings more snippets of the whole big picture,
and some are quite emotional and will get you weeping if you are someone who cries easily,
I know I shed a few tears for sure.

It's absolutely a must have game for all visual novel enjoyers,
and with the amazing price of totally FREE, I can't recommend this game enough.
Play it, play it, PLAY IT!


Ah yes. Spore. The genius creature creator from 2008.
It still remains to this day as one of my favorite god/sandbox games.

The gameplay is quite simple, you start in the cell stage, where you must nurture and grow your species to the next stage and the next after that. The game continues from the cell stage to the creature stage where you must survive the land, feed and mate and collect parts, while befriending or destroying other creatures. After that stage we have the tribal stage, which also ends the evolution segment and starts the social segment, where you must bring your tribe to victory with any means necessary, either friendly or hostile. After the tribal stage we have the civilization stage where you must control a civilization and your goal is the domination of the planet! The Final stage is the sandbox like stage, the Space Stage. This marks the beginning of the exploration and colonization of space, starting with the home system of the creature.

In the end the most fun I had in this game has always been while creating creatures or in the space stage. Other parts are fun, but I find myself usually wanting to get through them as fast as I can. Despite that, the whole game is very entertaining and it's very heavy with nostalgia for myself and probably many others as well.

Great old game, definitely worth the hefty price of 20€ these days as well. Highly recommended.

Dive into the game of Purrfectly Hidden Cats - Kittenwood, an engaging hidden cats themed game brimming with elusive kittens, interactive background elements, and captivating mini-stories. Venture beyond whiskers in a world rich with surprises and discover the wonders of the town of Kittenwood!

Purrfectly Hidden Cats - Kittenwood is a very good Hidden Object game with a lot of cute cats, some more hidden than others and a lot of fun things to do. The gameplay combines hidden object game mechanics with interactive elements, such as opening curtains, going through plants, clicking mailboxes and ringing door bells among others, resulting in a distinctive, engaging experience.

It's a hand-drawn work of love and talent. It's very well drawn and has a very distinctive artstyle. I would have wished a little bit of more color personally, but it was still very well done. The elusive felines blend naturally into the artwork and environment, often appearing only after clicking on certain items in the background.

I don't think you can get many things wrong with a hidden cats game, so I can definitely recommend it. It's fun, doesn't take too long, and is very affordable.

It was okay! The adult scenes were cute and wholesome, but it felt like the story was zooming forward and there wasn't much to it in general. It was also unfinished and from what I read around it seems that the creator has disappeared, so it will probably never get finished.

Either way it was free, fun artstyle and rather wholesome for a gay adult VN game. It's alright, but could have been better.

Step into the world of Synthetic Lover, where it is the year 2066 and the futuristic world has managed to create android companions, biologically engineered humanoids a.k.a Biots, that are almost identical to humans. They are the majority of the workforce in this world and are considered as items or any other tech.

You play as a Biot, Unit 352, who works as a sexual companion biot at an establishment called Dollhouse. His days go on as normal until crossing paths with an opportunistic thief called Bastian and a mysterious device in his possession that causes Unit 352 to start feeling more human-like feelings.

Synthetic Lover is a BL/Yaoi visual novel game with 2 main love interests, 1 extra side romance, 7 different endings and a fully voice acted story. There is also a free 18+ Adult Only patch DLC that you can get which will make certain scenes extra spicy!

As a fan of BL/Yaoi VNs this was definitely one of the more good ones in my opinion! The story was super interesting to me and I loved all the scenes. The art is so beautiful and the fact that the whole game is voice acted was fantastic! There was a few hiccups here and there with some voice lines being in the wrong order, but they were not that bad and there were just a few of those.

I really enjoyed this game and I definitely would recommend it to any BL/Yaoi VN lovers. Definitely recommend getting the free 18+ patch as well, as long as you are of age. Definitely worth the high price tag.

It's a very cute and wacky point-and-click puzzle game where you are tasked to find your cat, but beware of the dog, as it will jump you from the most interesting of places. The puzzles are nonsensical and funny, but sometimes quite annoying to figure out and they are, as I said, nonsensical and often the hint gives no sense to what I am supposed to do either. Thankfully there isn't too many levels and there is no lives, so you can retry as many times as you need.

I did have some issues with the game the first time I played it, where the game would launch as something called "spacewar" which is apparently a developer tool of some kind, so there was something buggy going on there, but thankfully with the most recent update it was fixed and I was able to play through the game without further issues. Thank you developers for a quick fix after responding to my email!

It's a fun little game and doesn't cost too much, so I definitely recommend it to all puzzle and cat lovers alike. Try it out and see how you fair with these wacky little puzzles!

A yuri kinetic visual novel game set in the rainy English seaside town of Scarborough. Our heroine, Aspen, meets the mysterious, beautiful Althea in the dead of night, but who is Althea really...? The mystery unfolds slowly, but feels like it was left unfinished.

It had good characters, great art and interesting premise, but sadly it kinda fell flat at the end? It felt like it was an unfinished story and it needed a couple of more "chapters" to be a pleasing finish to the story. Did I hate it though? Not really! I had a lot of fun reading through the story.

I was a little disappointed that there was a lot of parts in the story that was just a lot of constant reading. Usually visual novels have background artworks and character art and character sprites doing things and all that, but this one had a lot of parts where there was just a textured background and there was many lines of text coming on top of that with each press of a button.

I've played a couple of other ebi-hime games and the previous games I played had been major disappointments. Thankfully this one, although still being slightly disappointing, was not that bad and I did enjoy myself. It was a short read of 4 hours and was easy to 100% as there was no different endings or choices to go through.

If you enjoy gay romance and a little bit of mystery in your kinetic visual novel games, then I would definitely say you should at least try this one out! Though maybe wait for a sale? I don't think it's worth 6€.

A Short visual novel game that is a semi-fictionalized autobiographical story about the dev's experiences with trauma and sex work. The author explains how sex work impacted her life and changed her perception of the world. It's around an hour long experience more than a game, it's raw and harrowing and the topic might be difficult for many to get through. The content warnings are definitely something you should heed if these topics are not for you.

Regardless of any of that, it's a great emotional narrative with an interesting pixel artwork style and it will definitely make you think on these things. Highly recommended and for the cheap price of free it's definitely worth it.

Yuri VN game for adults where you play as a girl named Alex. She's your average girl who one day gets a hold of a mysterious video game, that sucks her into it's world. She must now defeat the evil Succubus Witch, Asmodea, to be able to return home from this strange world of the video game.

The artstyle is stunning and all the characters are very pretty and hot. There is lot of great scenes for the girls and there are several endings, good and bad, that you can achieve. The "animated" CGs are great, though I wouldn't really call it animation when it fades between a few frames. The frames ghost around each other and it is a little annoying to look at, hurts the eyes a little bit too. Other than that I had no complaints about the look of the game.

The story is quite uninteresting, too rushed and not all that well written. It is apparently translated from russian, as there were a few spots that had russian words left in, and the translation isn't all that great. You understand what they tried to say, so the point comes across, but it doesn't sound good and takes away from the game quite a lot.

For the cheap price it is, I would say it's a good experience, though I still can't really recommend it, as I didn't really have fun with it, and it was really short and uninteresting. If you want to see pretty girls have sex then I guess you could enjoy it.

Very fun and colorful hidden object game where you are tasked in finding cats and balls of yarn in 15 different beautifully drawn artworks. The artworks vary by the artist's artstyle and different styles proved more difficult in regards to finding the stuff you needed to find. Regardless it was very fun and not too difficult.

I really enjoyed it, though some artworks were bit of an eyesore (giving little bit of a headache) due to the color palette or thickness of lineart, but all of them were so beautiful and I wanted to keep looking at them forever!

The soundtrack was very interesting and each artwork had their own song playing. I wasn't really a fan, so I muted it and listened to my own music while playing, but you don't really need to hear the music to fully enjoy the game.

I am a bit dumb so I accidentally started playing the same stages over again with the different "folders" which I assume were meant for different playthroughs/people. I thought they were somehow different and didn't realize that they indeed were not for more than an hour of playing lol. Regardless I managed to finish the game and got a little extra time in there as well.

Very beautiful, very chill and fun, and most importantly, it's free! Everyone should try out this game.