1 review liked by JaydenStrudel

I keep returning to EA Sports titles like a relapsed drug addict and each time it makes me feel more and more disgusted in myself. Trying to love a sports video game in the 2020s is like trying to eat soup with a fork, you'll never get a satisfactory bite. I've never really enjoyed the Ultimate Team side of things, so picking up a new copy of the annual release means playing through a completely unchanged franchise mode with gameplay that's only been given minor tweaks. I actually kind of enjoy the new Pressure system that's been added this year, but that could barely justify a $10 purchase, let alone a $60 one (luckily I swooped in while this was at a steep discount yet I still feel ripped off). It's just mind boggling how little care seems to go into some of the most popular games in the world.

The roster update doesn't even remove the players currently on trial for rape.