37 Reviews liked by Jeandank

Maybe the first Perfect Nintendo game mechanically, shame about the stereotypes tho

Fucked around with this for a little while today. Definitely a game that would have been great if I had rented it a couple times from Family Video when I was 10.

started a myleague with 6 expansion teams, including the Garfield Lasagna. any game that allows me to create the Garfield Lasagna is pretty good in my eyes



There's a part in this game where you meet this lamb that's sick. The shepherd that is caring for it says it's not going to survive, and her attempts to heal it have failed. You know you have a healing spell, you can even hear the notes you need to cast in her song, but you aren't strong enough yet, so you have to leave, and by the time you are experienced enough to cast that spell it's too late to do anything.

That's essentially the whole game. I loved it a lot.

miserable to play. even switching between the menus feels like moving through maple syrup. lame and miserable and bad

appropriate in many ways as the apex of open world game design this generation, hysterical in others. on the one hand it's one of the blandest and most by the numbers maps i've ever seen. on the other hand the crux of the narrative revolves around the main character making the hard choice to do stealth kills instead of "Go Loud." sadly the latter aspect isn't funny enough to carry it