I have played this game and beaten it many times before on a lot of consoles and such. I grabbed it for my deck now as well.
Igarashi you bastard i love you.If you are a fan of Castlevania 3, its that but just more accessible. From the platforming to the combat and the very tasteful casual mode that i recommend most people play on.Makes the game a masterpiece even better then ritual of the night.
The game is short but so sweet. Almost every run i do no mater if its with full party or not(don't want to spoil anything) usually takes me and hours or so to beat so its a very pick up and play game so it never gets to be boring.
With that go get the game it is a very good price for the amount of enjoyment you can squeeze out of it.
Truly a Modern NES game in every sense of the word.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2024
