(sonic's ultimate genesis collection 27/40)

im not sure this is my thing so much, first time with a tactical rpg and it felt super long winded and unnecessarily padded. when i get stuck i'd rather just wait and do it later instead of being invested enough to figure a way around it. im completely stuck at the fight with the colossus bc of the goddamn chimeras and i just have no goddamn motivation to take it anymore i know im so close but jesus man

theres of course a lot to like tbh i was thinking a 7 before the fucking antics with the chimeras but like idk. maybe i'll finish this some other time and after that i dont want to fuckinh play this again dude

(05/26/21) further elaboration

i've played some into shining force II and it has about the same qualms with pace and such but its made me realize maybe thats just a genre thing because thinking on this as a whole again (and 2 so far) they're really quite charming, bumping this up one

Reviewed on May 23, 2021
