One of the most amazing and influential games of all time. The level of control you have with Mario is outstanding even today and there is a surprising amount of depth in his basic moveset. The graphics are pure undiluted nostalgia. The levels are very well designed and incredibly fun to play. If you can only play one Mario game then this is it. There are three tiny downsides to this game that I can think of off of the top of my head.

1.) There is a lack of character development and story, but thats to be expected in a Mario game.

2.) Everytime you collect a star you have to exit the level and re-enter.

3.) The stars for collecting 100 coins in each level aren't interesting and seem like the developers were padding the game.

Nevertheless, I love this game so much, its colourful, it controls well, its fun to play. This is a must play game.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2024
