I first played Super Mario Galaxy (and its sequel) around 10 years ago. Back then, I was of the idea that SMG2 was better than the first, but since I replayed it on the Switch, I now think the original is slightly better than SMG2.

This is Mario at its best. The level design--which is typically 3D Mario's strong suit-- is the best it has ever been. The boss fights are all varied and have unique ideas. The atmosphere of the game is great; I think it's the best looking Mario game now that we have it at a modern resolution. This game has aged wonderfully, despite being nearly 17 years old at this point.

The only thing about the game that I couldn't care less about is the flight power-up. With the few times you do use it, you're not really given enough time to tinker with it and get used to it. If it were used in more levels, I think I would have liked it more, but it is way too underutilized for me to care.

Super Mario Galaxy is the best thing Nintendo has ever released, and I don't think they'll ever top it

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024

1 Comment

4 months ago

Agree on the game being of Mario at its best. I wonder if we will get a similar game soon from Nintendo. It's kinda overdue.