Mindless Action JRPG Fun.

I only completed Yunica's Story. I heard the other campaigns are the same with very slight difference. Just a different playstyle for the characters.

This was such a fun game. I do have a few minor complaints but it was a joy to play. The best part is combat. It's super mindless but satisfying. It's easy to understand and you feel super powerful. It's mostly just spamming attack and spells. It just works.

Story is a huge nothing burger. Like, it barely matters. Very forgettable. But this game is all about the gameplay.

My biggest complaint is sometimes the game just kinda expects you to magically know something. Like put on this ring and go to this room and kill these enemies to progress. Like very oddly specific things. I had to look stuff up on occasion.

Although very fun, it may also last a little too long. The dungeon itself is pretty bland looking. There is not much variety.

I still really enjoyed this due to the combat alone. The bosses are fun. If you get crushed by a boss, just take 10 minutes to grind a few levels. Gaining levels is super helpful and you are constantly getting more powerful. The lower level become a joke after awhile as you are so much stronger than you were before. It gives you a nice sense of progression.

The platforming kinda sucks. But for the most part, you will get the hang of it. It is just hard to judge jumps.

I also enjoyed the very light metroidvania aspects. I mean, very light. This is not a metroidvania.

I know this review is kinda all of the place, but this game was fantastic. A great one time play. The combat is what sells the game.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2024


27 days ago

I think the game clearly lays out the ring thing. I do not know if the NPC's by the door mention the ring if you just have it in your inventory or not (I had it equipped so maybe if you don't have equipped they don't specifically mention that you have it). Even if you have it their conversation leads to needing a demon artifact. Then talking to Hugo and he goes "hey there are new enemies back there that look like the door" (kind of an abstraction i guess).

27 days ago

@snigglegros I may have missed that to be honest. Also the whole dying instantly from the ring was one of those those things I kinda had to look up. But all of it honestly could have been me. But being able to miss such crucial info still isn't my favorite. Like if you don't talk to them you are just left hanging. Still a very fun game though. Loved it.

27 days ago

yeah i luckily had a guide open during that sand area (i am apparently underleveled and it is making the game suck ass), and i saw that about the ring and I definitely would have been pissed if i died like that.