An adventure game with a Swedish film director leading the production, which at first intrigued me to check it out. Set in a medieval world with Norse fantasy elements, you control two brothers on their perilous quest to find a cure for their father's sickness. Along the way, they will find obstacles where co-operation between brothers are crucial to overcome them. They'll also meet different characters along the way who will help or intend to stop them, which adds some further puzzle and action elements to some degree.

The level design and contents are just about imaginative and holds many surprises along the road, keeping it fresh and with a wide range of obstacles to keep you adapting to progress.

The plot narrative is without translated dialogues in this game, where the words being spoken are either names or short dialogues in its own language. The game relies therefore on visual communication through the environment, the characters and the occuring events, which cleverly gives enough on its own.

As there are light-hearted moments as well as grim or sad events throughout the adventure, the two brothers were given a lifelike, human quality for me to connect with. Warmly recommended for people who desires an immersive adventure gaming in cinematic environment but also in a less-is-more approach and emotional value.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2023
